Looking at https://eosweb.net the CPU is still exhausted (solid green line).

Does it have anything to do with token transfers ? Why doesn't it reset ?

EDIT2: Reading the technical papers, there is no clear definition. Some sentences mention 3 days, other 6 months. Understanding it in clear terms might need an interpreter. https://steemit.com/eos/@eosio/eos-io-technical-white-paper

EDIT3: Some wallets still register it as staked, so it is most likely that the usage was too high and that it will take more time to be reset.

  • Possible duplicate of How long is the reset period of the cpu bandwith?
    – Vlad
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 19:54
  • Accepted answer from the link does not answer the question, since they said 24hr. Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 19:56
  • To everyone saying their CPU / NET hasn't reset, you must complete a NEW transaction for your % to show accurately again. Think that the cache of the value only clears when a transaction happens.
    – Douglas
    Commented Sep 29, 2020 at 14:59

3 Answers 3


Re CPU/NET recharging:

The 3 day period you mentioned is, used for calculating the exponential moving average and not the repletion period.

The variable account_cpu_usage_average_window_ms represents the 24 hour period in milliseconds. This when divided by the block interval (500ms) gives number of slots in 24 hour period, represented by the variable account_cpu_usage_average_window

This value is later used as the window size. So I understand the repletion period as 24 hours. I haven't checked any of these things in any wallets, so I recommend it before making decisions based on code alone.

How Does NET/CPU Recharge Over Time?


CPU resources is the average over one day. The used CPU is continously restored of one day.

If that is not reflected on a website then this is probably a caching issue or so of that site.



According to online wallets such as eosflare.io the return happened the same time a transaction (unstaking) happened. It could mean that some activity needs to happen first in order to see the CPU reset. Otherwise, I really cannot explain why or how...

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