Here is my code:

void play(account_name player, asset amount) {

   //The part that is throwing the error
   action {
     permission_level{player, N(active)}, //Using the passed in `player` account as ther permission
     currency::transfer {
         .from=player, .to=_self, .quantity=amount, .memo="Deposit"

When I call the function using:

cleos push action mycontract deposit '["myaccount", "30 EOS"]' -p myaccount

This is the error I get:

3192155ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:406           handle_exception     ] Exception Details: 3090003 unsatisfied_authorization: provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations
transaction declares authority '{"actor":"myaccount","permission":"active"}', but does not have signatures for it under a provided delay of 0 ms, provided permissions [{"actor":"myaccount","permission":"eosio.code"}], and provided keys []
    thread-0  authorization_manager.cpp:409 check_authorization

Is there a way to perform this action with passed in account_name's as the permission?

How would the behavior need to be changed if I deploy this contract to the mainnet?

2 Answers 2


You need to give the caller eosio.code permission. Look at this issue:



Before you push action you can do this:

cleos set account permission youraccount active '{"threshold":
 1,"keys": [{"key": "your pub-key","weight": 1}],"accounts":
 account","permission":"**eosio.code**"},"weight":1}]}' owner -p your
  • 1
    Hello @fenchen, normally code should be formatted as code block (indenting four spaces or pressing ctrl+k in the editor). But I think the blockquote formatting is ok in this case, as the highlight is needed. Commented Aug 5, 2018 at 14:47

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