when use http://api.oraclechain.io, core_liquid_balance field is missing

            "account_name" => "wangmingyuan",
          "head_block_num" => 12584842,
         "head_block_time" => "2018-08-23T07:00:16.000",
              "privileged" => false,
        "last_code_update" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000",
                 "created" => "2018-06-25T07:34:54.000",
               "ram_quota" => 18029,
              "net_weight" => 2001,
              "cpu_weight" => 32001,
               "net_limit" => {
         "used" => 5595,
    "available" => 128876,
          "max" => 134471
               "cpu_limit" => {
         "used" => 98145,
    "available" => 0,

but when use http://mainnet.eoscalgary.io, core_liquid_balance show up

            "account_name" => "wangmingyuan",
          "head_block_num" => 12585130,
         "head_block_time" => "2018-08-23T07:02:51.000",
              "privileged" => false,
        "last_code_update" => "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000",
                 "created" => "2018-06-25T07:34:54.000",
     "core_liquid_balance" => "3.3320 EOS",
               "ram_quota" => 18029,
              "net_weight" => 2001,
              "cpu_weight" => 32001,
               "net_limit" => {

what's the difference between the hosts?

1 Answer 1


it's related to not compiling source code using EOS as core symbol.

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