At this time, is it possible for me to do so when the BPs have not been elected? I need this for a block explorer I'm building using eosjs.

1 Answer 1


Yes, it is possible with eosjs.

You can create an instance of Eos with a given config and then do getTableRows with the given parameters. You might find the api footprint here. Also check the github repository for more info about the config parameters.

Here is an example how I do it at EOSIO BP alarm:

eos = new Eos(config)
eos.populateBlockProducers().then((result) => {
        }, this.handleError)

            "json": true,
            "scope": 'eosio',
            "code": 'eosio',
            "table": "producers",
            "limit": 500

function populateBlockProducers() {
        return eos.getTableRows({
            "json": true,
            "scope": 'eosio',
            "code": 'eosio',
            "table": "producers",
            "limit": 500

function handleError(error) {}

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