I decided to write a quick PHP script to see how far off my local node and how long will it take to catch up. Here is an example run of the script:
$ php how_far_apart.php
10:55:54 remote: 29,689,570 local 3,134,586 diff: 29,689,570. @ 279 blk/sec est. sync: 30 hrs
10:55:59 remote: 29,689,581 local 3,136,789 diff: 29,689,581. @ 440 blk/sec est. sync: 19 hrs
[removed for brevity]
10:56:41 remote: 29,689,666 local 3,162,111 diff: 29,689,666. @ 923 blk/sec est. sync: 9 hrs
Based on 10 samples, at average sync @ 578.4 blk/sec est. sync in 34 hours
Here is the script:
define('CLEOS_CMD', '/var/production/eos/build/programs/cleos/cleos');
define('LOCAL_ENDPOINT', 'http://localhost:8888');
define('REMOTE_ENDPOINT', 'https://api.eosnewyork.io');
$interval = 5;
$max_tests = 2 * $interval;
$testing = 0;
$stats = [];
$local_head_block_num = get_head_block_number(LOCAL_ENDPOINT);
while($testing < $max_tests) {
$now = date('h:i:s');
$remote_head_block_num = get_head_block_number(REMOTE_ENDPOINT);
$diff = $remote_head_block_num - $local_head_block_num;
if ($diff < 0)
die("Local node is ahead of the remote.");
sleep($interval); // nap for interval seconds
$last = $local_head_block_num;
$local_head_block_num = get_head_block_number(LOCAL_ENDPOINT);
$diff2 = $local_head_block_num - $last;
$sync_rate = $diff2 / $interval;
$diff = $remote_head_block_num - $new_local_head_block_num;
$est_time_to_sync = $sync_rate > 0 ? ($diff / $sync_rate) / 3600 : '0';
printf("$now remote: %s local %s diff: %s. ", number_format($remote_head_block_num),
printf(" @ %03d blk/sec est. sync: %2d hrs\n", $sync_rate, number_format($est_time_to_sync,0));
$stats['sync_rate'] += $sync_rate;
$stats['eta'] += $est_time_to_sync;
$avrg_sync_rate = $stats['sync_rate'] / $max_tests;
$avrg_eta = number_format($stats['eta'] / $max_tests, 0);
echo "Based on $max_tests samples, at average sync @ $avrg_sync_rate blk/sec est. sync in $avrg_eta hours\n";
function get_head_block_number($url) {
$cmd = CLEOS_CMD . ' -u ' . $url . ' get info';
if (!$output = shell_exec($cmd))
return false;
$info = json_decode($output);
return $info->head_block_num;