if I declare a string and attempt to print it like this:

std::string s;

the EOS compiler pukes:

In file included from t.cpp:1: In file included from ./t.hpp:4: In file included from /usr/local/Cellar/eosio.cdt/1.4.1/opt/eosio.cdt/bin/../include/eosiolib/asset.hpp:3: /usr/local/Cellar/eosio.cdt/1.4.1/opt/eosio.cdt/bin/../include/eosiolib/print.hpp:237:9: error: no member named 'print' in 'std::__1::basic_string' t.print(); ~ ^ t.cpp:126:3: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'eosio::print &>' requested here print(ret); ^ 1 error generated.

but if I convert it:


it works fine. why is this necessary? s is already a string so why do I need this?

1 Answer 1


As the compiler indicates

.../include/eosiolib/print.hpp:237:9: error: no member named 'print' in 'std::__1::basic_string' t.print(); ...

after check the the source code of print.hpp

inline void print( const std::string& s) {
  prints_l( s.c_str(), s.size() );

inline void print( std::string&& s) {
  prints_l( s.c_str(), s.size() );


template<typename T>
inline void print( T&& t ) {

then you will see that when you use

std::string s;

it matches the print( T&& t) method best, so that will call the string.print which is not exist.

whereas use the

eosio::print(std::string(s));   // or eosio::print(std::move(s));

it matches the print( std::string&& s)

  • thank you for the explanation. I may need some clarification... std::string &&s reads to me like s is the address of the address of a std::string -- is that correct or does it mean something else? if so, why would that be matched to std::string(s), which is merely an object s of type std::string?
    – ekkis
    Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 3:42
  • there is some logic to what you're saying though, because I can also do char *a = &(s[0]); print("%s\n", a); and that compiles fine... so that matches what?
    – ekkis
    Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 3:55
  • std::string &&s is a rvalue reference, not address of the address, and std::string& is lvalue reference, You can read 《C++ Primer》 for more.
    – Reason Lee
    Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 4:01
  • why char* is fine, because it has a char * function overloading (github.com/EOSIO/eosio.cdt/blob/…),this is all about C++ language, not the EOS
    – Reason Lee
    Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 4:03
  • I'm having to reacquaint myself with this ancient and arcane language. it has changed at lot in 30 years since I touched it, but thanks :)
    – ekkis
    Commented Jan 25, 2019 at 4:51

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