I'm following this explanation https://developers.eos.io/eosio-cpp/v1.1.0/docs/multi-index-table-tutorial using v1.5.0 of the CDT. Here's what I've got:

struct [[eosio::table]] order_struct {
    name cust;
    asset qty;
    uint32_t ts; 
    uint64_t primary_key() const {
        return ts; 
     uint64_t matches() const {
        return qty.symbol.code().raw();

typedef eosio::multi_index<
            order_struct, uint64_t, &order_struct::matches
> orderbook;

after which I proceed to use the index as prescribed:

orderbook b(_self, _self.value);
auto m = b.get_index<name("idxmatches")>();

for (auto &o : m) {
    print(o.cust, " ", o.qty, " ", o.ts, "\n");

but this is what I get:

[(t,exchange)->t]: CONSOLE OUTPUT BEGIN ===================== 
alice 5.00000 NAVC 1549087727
bob 1.00000000 NAVG 1549088004
bob 1.00000000 NAVG 1549088036
alice 3.00000 NAVC 1549087912 
bob 7.00000000 NAVG 1549088304
alice 1.00000 NAVC 1549105457
[(t,exchange)->t]: CONSOLE OUTPUT END   =====================

which is clearly not sorted. what am I missing?

p.s. the link includes a call to the EOSLIB_SERIALIZE macro. I've tested behaviour with it but it doesn't help

p.p.s. another approach, which I picked up from [https://forum.toshitimes.com/t/advanced-eos-003-table-secondary-indexes/6329] also failed:

auto iter = m.lower_bound(NAVC.code().raw());
while (iter != m.end()) {
    print(iter->cust, " ", iter->qty, " ", iter->ts, "\n");
  • Feel free to hit up the EOS Dev telegram if you don't get a response: t.me/joinchat/Esi1OkPktgcFeJ3Lmlcrqg
    – Nat
    Commented Feb 2, 2019 at 15:53
  • thanks. I'm in there. it's a good channel. I like to ask questions on the channel by writing here and then posting a link
    – ekkis
    Commented Feb 2, 2019 at 19:18

1 Answer 1


I figured it out. the code works as expected but I had to refresh (completely destroy and rebuild) my network. it's something about EOS getting confused when the table definition changes

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