Does anyone know the correct way to get table rows using checksum256 (fixed_bytes<32>) secondary index through the get_table_rows RPC API?

I found a way using key256, but key256 is deprecated in eosio.cdt 1.5.0.

warning: 'key256' is deprecated: Replaced by fixed_bytes [-Wdeprecated-declarations]

So I implemented a contract with checksum256 secondary index referring to this document, but I can't get proper rows using checksum256 secondary index. My contract is as follows, and I compile it with eosio.cdt 1.5.0.

#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>

using namespace eosio;

class [[eosio::contract]] test : public contract
  using contract::contract;


  test(name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds) :
      contract(receiver, code, ds),
      items(_self, _self.value)

  void additem(std::string identifier)
    items.emplace(_self, [&](auto& row) {
                           row.key             = items.available_primary_key();
                           row.identifier      = identifier;
                           row.identifier_hash = hash(identifier);


  struct [[eosio::table]] item {
    uint64_t key;
    std::string identifier;
    checksum256 identifier_hash;
    uint64_t primary_key() const { return key; }
    checksum256 by_identifier_hash() const { return identifier_hash; }
  typedef multi_index<name("items"), item,
                      indexed_by<name("idhash"), const_mem_fun<item, checksum256, &item::by_identifier_hash>>
                      > item_index;

  checksum256 hash(std::string str)
    return sha256(const_cast<char*>(str.c_str()), str.size());

  item_index items;

EOSIO_DISPATCH(test, (additem));
$ cleos -u https://api-kylin.eosasia.one push action checksumtest additem '["m0t0k1ch1"]' -p checksumtest@active
$ curl -s https://api-kylin.eosasia.one/v1/chain/get_table_rows -d '{"json":true,"code":"checksumtest","scope":"checksumtest","table":"items","table_key":"idhash","index_position":2,"key_type":"sha256","limit":1}'
  "rows": [
      "key": 0,
      "identifier": "m0t0k1ch1",
      "identifier_hash": "c5bae5b3f19a69d45594902726ce983c0948fcda5bbf408f893fff91298688b4"
  "more": false
$ curl -s https://api-kylin.eosasia.one/v1/chain/get_table_rows -d '{"json":true,"code":"checksumtest","scope":"checksumtest","table":"items","table_key":"idhash","index_position":2,"key_type":"sha256","lower_bound":"c5bae5b3f19a69d45594902726ce983c0948fcda5bbf408f893fff91298688b4","upper_bound":"c5bae5b3f19a69d45594902726ce983c0948fcda5bbf408f893fff91298688b4","limit":1}'
  "rows": [],
  "more": false

Updated on Mar 18, 2019

It seems that the checksum256 data is divided into two parts per 16 bytes, and each part is stored in little endian. So I was able to get the proper row in the following way.

$ curl -s https://api-kylin.eosasia.one/v1/chain/get_table_rows -d '{"json":true,"code":"checksumtest","scope":"checksumtest","table":"items","table_key":"idhash","index_position":2,"key_type":"sha256","lower_bound":"3c98ce2627909455d4699af1b3e5bac5b488862991ff3f898f40bf5bdafc4809","upper_bound":"3c98ce2627909455d4699af1b3e5bac5b488862991ff3f898f40bf5bdafc4809","limit":1}'
  "rows": [
      "key": 0,
      "identifier": "m0t0k1ch1",
      "identifier_hash": "c5bae5b3f19a69d45594902726ce983c0948fcda5bbf408f893fff91298688b4"
  "more": false

Thank you for the advice, @CoRe1o3 🙏

See also this issue.

  • 1
    Could you explain how you converted the returned checksum256 into the value you sent to the API? Clicking translate on each tweet is quite cumbersome and it would be useful to have the full explanation in this answer :)
    – Jason Bert
    Commented May 6, 2019 at 17:20

2 Answers 2


Some further explanation of how the value to pass via cleos was derived. As already mentioned in the original post, this all revolves around endianness. For some reason the checksum256 value is returned in a different endian to what the index key type bounds for sha256 expects.

If you have the below hash (checksum256) returned by a row in the table:


It's first split into two parts (16 bytes each side):

7af12386a82b6337d6b1e4c6a1119e29 bb03e6209aa03c70ed3efbb9b74a290c

Each part is then reversed in 2 character (1 byte) chunks, using the first part as an example:


7a f1 23 86 a8 2b 63 37 d6 b1 e4 c6 a1 11 9e 29

29 9e 11 a1 c6 e4 b1 d6 37 63 2b a8 86 23 f1 7a

The two reversed parts are then concatenated to form the value you can use with the sha256 index key type:

299e11a1c6e4b1d637632ba88623f17a 0c294ab7b9fb3eed703ca09a20e603bb

The final result:



2020 Update for eosio 2.0 & eosio.cdt 1.7

I know this post is old but for anyone else who stumbles upon this. The encoding as described by Jason Bert's answer (https://eosio.stackexchange.com/a/4344/3464) is no longer required, as far as I can tell from my tests.

Simply use the the hash directly within lower_bound and/or upper_bound as expected

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