In [email protected]
I have a Eos.modules.format.encodeName()
Is there something like that in [email protected]
or what can I use to replace it?
In [email protected]
I have a Eos.modules.format.encodeName()
Is there something like that in [email protected]
or what can I use to replace it?
This module is often used in conjunction with get_table_rows(). If this is the case, you no longer need to encode names when making requests to this method. Simply pass the key as part of the lower_bound
For example you may make a request like this:
const resp = await rpc.get_table_rows({
json: true, // Get the response as json
code: 'eosio', // Contract that we target
scope: 'eosio', // Account that owns the data
table: 'deposits', // Table name
lower_bound: 'ACCOUNT_NAME_HERE',
limit: 1 // Maximum number of rows
I was looking for the same, so I just took the code from eosjs 16.0.9
Just put it in your project, and use it. The logic hasn't changed and won't ever change.
Encode a name (a base32 string) to a number.
For performance reasons, the blockchain uses the numerical encoding of strings
for very common types like account names.
@see types.hpp string_to_name
@arg {string} name - A string to encode, up to 12 characters long.
@arg {string} [littleEndian = true] - Little or Bigendian encoding
@return {string<uint64>} - compressed string (from name arg). A string is
always used because a number could exceed JavaScript's 52 bit limit.
function encodeName(name, littleEndian = true) {
if(typeof name !== 'string')
throw new TypeError('name parameter is a required string')
if(name.length > 12)
throw new TypeError('A name can be up to 12 characters long')
let bitstr = ''
for(let i = 0; i <= 12; i++) { // process all 64 bits (even if name is short)
const c = i < name.length ? charidx(name[i]) : 0
const bitlen = i < 12 ? 5 : 4
let bits = Number(c).toString(2)
if(bits.length > bitlen) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid name ' + name)
bits = '0'.repeat(bitlen - bits.length) + bits
bitstr += bits
const value = Long.fromString(bitstr, true, 2)
// convert to LITTLE_ENDIAN
let leHex = ''
const bytes = littleEndian ? value.toBytesLE() : value.toBytesBE()
for(const b of bytes) {
const n = Number(b).toString(16)
leHex += (n.length === 1 ? '0' : '') + n
const ulName = Long.fromString(leHex, true, 16).toString()
// console.log('encodeName', name, value.toString(), ulName.toString(), JSON.stringify(bitstr.split(/(.....)/).slice(1)))
return ulName.toString()
@arg {Long|String|number} value uint64
@arg {string} [littleEndian = true] - Little or Bigendian encoding
@return {string}
function decodeName(value, littleEndian = true) {
value = ULong(value)
// convert from LITTLE_ENDIAN
let beHex = ''
const bytes = littleEndian ? value.toBytesLE() : value.toBytesBE()
for(const b of bytes) {
const n = Number(b).toString(16)
beHex += (n.length === 1 ? '0' : '') + n
beHex += '0'.repeat(16 - beHex.length)
const fiveBits = Long.fromNumber(0x1f, true)
const fourBits = Long.fromNumber(0x0f, true)
const beValue = Long.fromString(beHex, true, 16)
let str = ''
let tmp = beValue
for(let i = 0; i <= 12; i++) {
const c = charmap[tmp.and(i === 0 ? fourBits : fiveBits)]
str = c + str
tmp = tmp.shiftRight(i === 0 ? 4 : 5)
str = str.replace(/\.+$/, '') // remove trailing dots (all of them)
// console.log('decodeName', str, beValue.toString(), value.toString(), JSON.stringify(beValue.toString(2).split(/(.....)/).slice(1)))
return str