EOSLime does not seem to be able to create accounts with Kylin chain thru my method. It produces an error that there is insufficient RAM.
My method:
let default_a = eoslime.Account.load('...','...');
eoslime.Provider.defaultAccount = default_a;
let dummy = await eoslime.Account.createRandom();
And the error string:
Error: the string "{\"code\":500,\"message\":
\"Internal Service Error\",\"error\":{\"code\":3080001,
using more than allotted RAM usage\",\"details
\":[{\"message\":\"account la5414bbb2ce has
insufficient ram; needs 2996 bytes has 0 bytes\",\"file
\":\"verify_account_ram_usage\"}]}}" was thrown, throw
an Error :)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process