how and when to useall these keywords and what they actually means? and what is the difference in these 2 statement given below
auto itr = loan_table.get(loan_id);
auto itr1 = loan_table.find(loan_id);
main code
void mainloan::checkperiod(uint64_t loan_id, uint64_t instl_check, uint64_t delay){
auto itr = loan_table.get(loan_id);
auto itr1 = loan_table.find(loan_id);
eosio::transaction t{};
eosio::print(" second txn created. ");
permission_level(get_self(), "active"_n),
std::make_tuple(loan_id, instl_check));
eosio::print(" |||||action inserted in txn w delay set. ");
t.delay_sec = delay; //7 days=>1 installment //30*24*60*60; //delay in seconds => 1 month in sec
eosio::print(" ||delay set. ");
t.send(now()+delay, get_self() /*, false */);
eosio::print(" ||tnx sent. ");