I have read that:

In order to call an inline action, that is to call an action of contract A from contract B, there is a need to set some special permission. In this case, the Ram payer for the action in contract B must-have “accountname [email protected]” permission in its active. In a case, if account C needs to call an action in account A through a contract in account B, then account C need to set the [email protected] in its active.

But I observed that:

  1. Contract B must-have “accountname [email protected]” permission in its active even to call function from contract A & not “accountname [email protected]” permission in its active.
  2. If account C needs to call an action in account A through a contract in account B, then account C need to set the [email protected] in its active. This is true but is there any alternative that C can use contract B to call action from contract A without changing its permissions. Because in dapp it is not feasible for every user to do that.

I'm confused a bit about the all this. Can anyone please give me a clear guidance? Also, in accordance with the v2.0Latest version

1 Answer 1


If a contract has an inline action, the permission for running that action must be eosio.code from that contract account. Thats it.

Example: accounta is a smart contract with an inline action to accountb. Therefore accounta will need the permission [email protected], as the contract will need to execute the inline action.

  • And what about some account who wants use actions in contract of accounta (with an inline action to accountb) ?
    – coder
    Commented Feb 27, 2020 at 6:13
  • It's still accounta that is calling that action on accountb Commented Feb 27, 2020 at 8:15

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