As a programmer with a python background, how do I get started with EOS?

Are there any EOS resources for python developers?


2 Answers 2


It is/will be possible to generate smart contracts via Python and other languages, an example here.

However, the mainstream method, especially in the early days, is with C++, as per the EOS Developer documentation

"Other toolchains in development by 3rd parties include: Rust, Python, and Solidity. While these other languages might appear simpler, their performance will likely impact the scale of application you can build. We expect that C++ will be the best language for developing high-performance and secure smart contracts, and plan to use C++ for the foreseeable future."

I suggest learning C++ even if it's a bit more intimidating than Python. Microsoft do some EdX courses on it.

Learning C++ is a safe bet for working with other EOS developers as well I'd say and not being isolated when adopting code from existing libraries based in C++.


commands like cleos/nodeos/keosd can be run from a python script

import subprocess
import smtplib
from subprocess import PIPE

def do_cmd(command):
    return subprocess.check_output(command.split(" "))
do_cmd("cleos -u http://mainnet.genereos.io get info")

Alternatively there's a handy API that uses POST requests. Check this out: https://developers.eos.io/eosio-nodeos/reference#get_info

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