Ok, so I made a beginner coding error in a token contract, mis-typing the return value from get without & (yes, I now see the Warning in the docs at https://developers.eos.io/manuals/eosio.cdt/latest/classeosio_1_1multi__index/#function-get) and wound up with a corrupted stat table. I can't erase it because it no longer matches the abi table definitions and accessing it throws an error.

The only thing I have thought of is to reverse-engineer a table declaration under which the corrupted table is readable, then upload code which does an erase loop using that.

Using the chain API get_table_rows I get the following response from the corrupted table:


Any suggestions for a suitable table declaration? Or am I on the wrong track?

  • I've not tried it but something like this may help github.com/liquidapps-io/…
    – Nat
    Commented Nov 8, 2021 at 0:07
  • 1
    @Nat that worked great! Although it feels odd using a function declared internal_use_do_not_use::db_lowerbound_i64 ;)
    – Chuck
    Commented Nov 9, 2021 at 5:57
  • I'll add it as an answer then : )
    – Nat
    Commented Nov 9, 2021 at 20:30

1 Answer 1


You can try the following from here: https://github.com/liquidapps-io/eos-contracts-best-practices#deleting-table-rows-without-declaring-tables

Deleting table rows without declaring tables

  void clear_secondary_idx256(name TableName, uint8_t index_num, uint64_t scope){
    uint64_t primary = 0;

    auto key = eosio::key256();
    auto it2 = eosio::_multi_index_detail::secondary_index_db_functions<key256>::db_idx_lowerbound(
      (static_cast<uint64_t>(TableName.value) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0ULL)
                                    | (index_num & 0x000000000000000FULL), 
    while (it2 >= 0) {
        auto del = it2;
        uint64_t dummy;
        it2 = db_idx256_next(it2, &dummy);
  void clear_primary(name TableName, uint64_t scope){
    auto it = db_lowerbound_i64(_self.value, scope, TableName.value, 0);
    while (it >= 0) {
        auto del = it;
        uint64_t dummy;
        it = db_next_i64(it, &dummy);

  ACTION clearpkgs(){
    clear_primary("package"_n, _self.value);
    clear_secondary_idx256("package"_n, 0, _self.value);
    clear_secondary_idx256("package"_n, 1, _self.value);

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