As we know from the documentation, a table must be initialized as shown below:

class [[eosio::contract]] helloworld: public eosio::contract
   helloworld(eosio::name receiver, eosio::name code, eosio::datastream<const char*> ds)
   : contract(receiver, code, ds),
     my_table(receiver, receiver.value) { }


   struct [[eosio::table]] testtable_j
      name owner;
      std::string data;
      uint64_t primary_key() const { return owner.value; }
   using testtable_t = eosio::multi_index<"testtable"_n, testtable_j>;
   testtable_t my_table;

But how can I declare my table outside of class 'helloworld'? For using its type without binding to it (in other .hpp/.cpp files for example). This case doesn't work - precisely speaking, abi not generated. But compilation is ok:

struct [[eosio::table]] testtable_j
      name owner;
      std::string data;
      uint64_t primary_key() const { return owner.value; }
using testtable_t = eosio::multi_index<"testtable"_n, testtable_j>;


class [[eosio::contract]] helloworld: public eosio::contract
   helloworld(eosio::name receiver, eosio::name code, eosio::datastream<const char*> ds)
   : contract(receiver, code, ds),
     my_table(receiver, receiver.value) { }
   testtable_t my_table;

2 Answers 2


to everyone who is interested - I used a "void*"


void my_method(const name& wax_user, const void* table_itr_ptr);


void my_method(const name& wax_user, const void* table_itr_ptr)
   helloworld::testtable_t::const_iterator itr_c = *(static_cast<const helloworld::testtable_t::const_iterator*>(itr_ptr));
   const helloworld::testtable_j& item = *itr_c;
   // ...


helloworld::testtable_t::const_iterator itr_c = game.get_table_items().require_find(item_id, "error"));
my_method(wax_user, &(*itr_c));
  • This answer is completely irrelevant to the question
    – 0101
    Commented Sep 17, 2023 at 0:06

As the answer here is completely irrelevant to the question. I am adding an answer that actually resolves the problem.

What's needed in this case is an extra parameter referring to the contract's name. As follows:

struct [[eosio::table, eosio::contract("helloworld")]] testtable_j {}

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