I'd like to cleanly shut down NodeOS so that the next time I start it, I don't have to --resync. How do I do that?

Edit: Just to clarify the purpose of what might seem like an extremely obvious question/answer, I was getting prompted to resync after using pkill to terminate nodeOS...or, so I thought - due to a bug in my code, nodeOS was being killed by the termination of a JVM (long story) - the answer to this question helped me trace that issue - it's resolved now and everything is awesome

4 Answers 4


pkill nodeos or just kill <PID> where pid is nodeos's pid.

basically do not do: kill -9 <PID>

  • Wait, what? So, I create and start a blockchain...I'd like to be able to stop it such that when I start it again, I don't have to add the --replay parameter. What does your answer have to do with stopping blockchains at all?
    – Cody S
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 23:21
  • misread your question, updated the answer.
    – Vlad
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 23:31

You can do a ctr+c or just kill the process, in either case you won’t need a resync.


pidof is good. use following command.

$ kill \`pidof nodeos\`

Try this to find out what port nodeos is running on.

$ pgrep nodeos | xargs printf " -p %d" | xargs lsof -Pani

Then, kill the process with: $ pkill nodeos

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