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Questions tagged [accounts]

All questions related to an account. Account creation, permissions, security, and usage are all examples where you would use this tag.

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1 vote
1 answer

How can I read block data from chainbase memory of a running node?

I am running nodeos on my local machine. I can get the account data for an account by hitting the chain/get_account API. However, I wish to extend its functionality in the form of a plugin without ...
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3 answers

How to "get currency balance" with mongo_db_plugin?

I'm struggling to find the answer to that issue and thought maybe the collective knowledge might be helpful ;-) I'm trying to get the balance of a certain token for a specific account from the ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to get a list of accounts for a given smart contract

I see can list accounts that has transactions/actions with a specific smart contract. How? For example, here is's list of all DICE token holders:
0 votes
2 answers

How to get the voters from a particular proxy account?

How to fetch the lists of accounts who delegate their votes to a particular proxy account? If there isn't any direct way to retrieve the list, is there suggestions how to aggregate data and filter ...
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1 answer

Is there a way to mark accounts like give an account a property value?

Let's say I'm making a game character and each eos account is a unique character. Is there a way to mark an account with different properties like strength, speed, durability, etc....
0 votes
1 answer

How can I specify a proxy agent to connect?

I'm trying to get the balance of an account with this code (dfuse example): global.fetch = require("node-fetch"); global.WebSocket = require("ws"); const { createDfuseClient } = require("@dfuse/...
0 votes
1 answer

How to get name of account which is processing action recent in contract?

I need to authorize with admin table of contract. but I could not account name which is processing action of contract. Let me know about any eos function to get account name, if anyone know well. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to see who has signed an msig trans and who needs to sign it?

I'm testing out the msig capabilities. Once an msig transaction has been proposed , how can you determine who has already signed it and who needs to sign it? Is there any way to notify the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Reclaim RAM for dApp that creates an account and transfers funds

A dApp that creates a new account and transfers EOS to that account will have to 'pay' for 240 bytes of RAM for the new balance object on the new account. When the new account transfers some funds, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Caller of action detail in code

I need to check Account of caller action ,as in ethereum we have a concept of msg.sender to get the caller eth_address, similar is there a way to get caller of action details in EOS.
1 vote
4 answers

Is it posible to deny EOS transfers for Account?

Imagine I have account A and account B. Account A is the "owner" of B and A wants to deny EOS Transfers for Account B and allow all other Actions(that means A should have full "active" operations)? ...
2 votes
1 answer

What rights does a "Privileged" account have?

Is it possible for the "privileged" account to change account permissions on any account? What else can it do? Are the privileged permissions documented anywhere?
0 votes
1 answer

How to convert block producers long string vote information into Scaled votes?

In my blockchain, there are 4 accounts registered as block producers. accountnum1 vote for each of them. cleos system listproducers returns Producer Producer key Url ...
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1 answer

Calculate EOS account resources CPU, RAM and NET in percentage

I am designing my own EOS dashboard in which I want to show the respective account's resources CPU, NET and RAM in Percentage as they are in the attached picture (from when ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is EOS Account creation free?

I used scatter to create an account, is it true that account creation is not free? How do I check how much it costs? I can see also via "" that I have some EOS stacked in ...
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1 answer

Get_account with Python

After reading the documentation about EOS APIs, I tried to get information about an account on the blockchain by following examples and docs. However it's not working and I really don't understand why....
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1 answer

cleos: add auth level to account with specific key pair and limited permissions

Each EOS account has two key pairs: "@owner" and "@active". I want to add another key pair under the name "@limited" which I can use in an unsafe environment (VPS) to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Create EOS Account using c#

How can I create an eos account in c#. I have generated the eos public and private keys using c#. Now i want to create an eos account in c# using the generated public key. Can someone guide me how to ...
4 votes
2 answers

Create accounts on an EOSIO private blockchain

We are developing a private blockchain based on EOSIO. The account creation part puzzles me. AFAIU, cleos can be used to create accounts using pre-generated keys. I have a few questions: What is the ...
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0 answers

Where are accounts and smart contracts stored?

I'm a bit confused by answers to the following questions: Where are new accounts stored? Where is the smart contract is stored How can everything be stored on RAM at all time? 3KB for each user means ...
2 votes
1 answer

Error: Provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations

I am facing some error while running this command cleos create account eosio eosio.bpay EOS6wFEd5JHuUHWtaV12mxnm1v9udPsdrB7LUy1mVFc8iYJNdDMaL It show's the output given below Error 3090003: Provided ...
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1 answer

Is the default wallet must?

I am creating multiple node setup. When started to build EOS environment, this is one of the step
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1 answer

Multi-Sig set permission vs Multi-sig propose transaction, do you need to specify the accounts in both?

So I created an MSIG account using set permissions cleos set account permission msigact11113 active '{"threshold":2,"keys":[],"accounts":[ {"permission":{"...
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1 answer

Multiple smart contracts with single account

I have three smart contracts (A, B, C) and one account (X). As the requirement is I just need only one authority (administrator) who is going to manage all these smart contracts data. So I deployed ...
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1 answer

How to check authorization for a particular account in EOS smart contract?

I want to write an EOS smart contract to manage users data. I need that only some admin account will able to add, update and delete users and the particular user can only update data. Can I check ...
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2 answers

ERROR: RequiredError: OwnerKey Create a new account on the blockchain (assumes system contract does not restrict RAM usage)

I have wallet create with cleos cleos wallet list Return Wallets: [ "demowalleteos" ] I create pair key with cleos cleos create key --to-console But, when I create account system require ...
1 vote
1 answer

cleos data getting inserted and deleted but table shows empty record

I have written one smart contract for insert, update and delete data. The smart contract is compiled and deployed to the two accounts. I insert data using calling the action upsert, this transaction ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to get accounts info in smart contract

How can I get accounts info in a smart contract? Or if given a public key and account_name, is there any way can verify that account has this public key in a certain permission?
2 votes
1 answer

How to transfer ownership of an account to another EOS key pair?

Suppose account aaa is associated with pubkey1. Is there a way to completely transfer ownership of account aaa to another public key pubkey2 ? The desired result is only pubkey2 can be used to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Check public keys on contract level

Is it meanwhile possible to check the public key of an account name on contract level? (Not with Cleos) Example: The contract contains some public keys (not the account names). If a user performs a ...
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to creating Eos account with nodejs using eosjs library

I have no idea where am i making mistake? please help. const express = require('express'); const path= require('path'); const app =express(); const { Api, JsonRpc, RpcError } = require('eosjs'); ...
2 votes
4 answers

is it possible to create an account using Cleos?

I've bought EOS on exchange recently and may not has an account on mainnet. So I really want to create an account prior before mainnet gets ready. I understand that if we install full note and ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the proper syntax for Premium and Non Premium Account Names?

I don't think this is correct for standard names and also neglects premium names. I came up with this, please let me know if it is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it still possible to get an EOS Genesis account? How or where?

I'm an EOS-newby, who is wondering if it is still possible to create or get hands on an EOS Genesis account. It is needed for an Airgrab I would like to join. Thanks!
0 votes
1 answer

Is there RPC API endpoint to request how much resources account uses?

Is there any way to track or get information about current user account resources consumption using RPC API? I.e. how many operations can be executed with the current tokens or how much RAM or CPU is ...
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1 answer

Can I create account with eos js?

Is there a way to create an account via eos js For example I would to avoid having to go to to create an account on the testnet, is that possible?
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1 answer

Error 3090003: Provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations, how to solve this error?

I am creating an account to manage other accounts. The command is $ cleos create account eosio accountadmin publickey1 publickey2 But I am getting an error saying that provided keys, permissionsm ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to remove the keys/authorization from an Eos account for a fixed period of time only?

In particular, I'm looking for a solution that gives up control of the account and then gets it back after a given amount of time.
13 votes
3 answers

How will someone new to EOS create an EOS account today

Creating EOS account requires staking EOS for CPU/RAM/NET. How will someone who just heard about EOS on the street create a new account without having EOS on the mainnet? They may have EOS on the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why we need an EOSIO account to transfer token?

I have started working on EOSIO. I am following this document. I have created a wallet using cleos. Then open, unlock and import key in it. After that according to document, we need two accounts to ...
9 votes
1 answer

How can I get a list of all accounts, contracts, and tokens?

cleos doesn't have a subcommand for this.
1 vote
1 answer

Can I send money to an EOS public key?

I run a dApp and I want my users to be able to send transactions client-side. One of the best parts about other blockchains is that I can just use a traditional pubKey to send money. I was wondering ...
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1 answer

EOSLime with Kylin: Account Creation

EOSLime does not seem to be able to create accounts with Kylin chain thru my method. It produces an error that there is insufficient RAM. My method: let default_a = eoslime.Account.load('...','...');...
4 votes
2 answers

How to solve "Account using more than allotted RAM usage"?

I am trying to unstake my EOS tokens using system undelegatebw. I got the error Error 3080001: Account using more than allotted RAM usage and account xxxxx has insufficient ram; needs 7973 bytes has ...
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1 answer

What is the best way to create an account and fund it with some cpu / net / ram via the command line?

I'm looking to create a php script that can communicate with the EOS blockchain to be able to setup an account and then fund it with some ram/cpu/net. What tools do I need on my web server to make ...
1 vote
2 answers

How do I confirm that the person sending an action is the same as a user in the parameter?

Specific example from a contract: ... void hi(name user){ // verification here, require_auth(user)? print(user); } ... I've tried require_auth(user) but that seems to always fail unless the user ...
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2 answers

require_auth() not working as expected

I adapted the hello contract, expanding with require_auth() and added an additional account oliver that should be able to execute the action hashin on behalf of the contract owner doctest1. I adjusted ...
2 votes
2 answers

Setting a key to NULL

Is it possible to change they key for a permission to an EOS public key equivalent of NULL? Such that you could in essence stop that permission from being used in the future? If so, what would be the ...
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0 answers

Account creation on jungle testnet node? [duplicate]

I have setup a node with jungle testnet and it starts syncing the blocks. The chain id and server version are same as on jungle testnet. Now I have to wait for the completion of blocks to create an ...
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot create a new account

I've just installed an EOS node on my Ubuntu VPS, and it seems be working well. Sync speed is pretty fast also. I ran nodeos like: nodeos --genesis-json eos_data/config/genesis.json --config-dir ...