Questions tagged [bancor]

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1 vote
1 answer

Is there a convert API for Bancor on EOS?

I was looking at the Bancor's documentation and was particularly interested in the Bancor API, mostly the convert function as described here. I've seen that it says only ETH is supported as of yet ...
2 votes
0 answers

What is the latest development of EOS.IO Storage?

Does anyone know the latest development of EOS.IO Storage? This includes the determination of storage supply and the status of implementing IPFS. I found this article from BM, yet it was a year ago. ...
6 votes
1 answer

What's the purpose of RAMEOS relay?

EOS.IO formulas for converting EOS to RAM and viceversa imply that the quantity [RAM reserve]x[EOS reserve in connector] remains constant. It was very complicated to read this from the code! ...
1 vote
1 answer

Where does the initial connector balance for the Bancor RAM Algorithm Come From

Update 7-12-18: Dan's changes | A Three Step Plan for Lowering EOS Account Creation Costs: Code updates | Added setramrate to eosio.system/abi/eosio....
3 votes
1 answer

How to Find Ram Market Bancor Connector Weight (CRR)

My question is how to discover the current CW for the bancor algorithm in the current RAM market. Below you can see where in the system contract RAM and the RAMCORE token is created for the market ...
1 vote
0 answers
115 views shows the wrong Connector Balance for EOSIO.RAM account?

It currently shows 66730 EOS (, but here in the first answer (How to get current (last) RAM price?) is said that it should be 1021789.6640 EOS (see quote.balance). ...
9 votes
2 answers

Is there a math error in Bancor paper?

According to Dan Larimer here "The Bancor Protocol math is wrong in their paper". However I am reviewing the details here and it seems ...