Questions tagged [block-header]

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What does the EOS block id consist of and can you predict the id

What does the EOS block id consist of and can you predict the id of the blocks that will come out in the future? After looking at the EOS block id, there were certain rules up to the first 7 digits, ...
eeeekk's user avatar
  • 11
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What's the size of EOS block header? and How is the "420 MB/ year" data derived?

I read the technical whitepaper and want to know estimate the total size of block header in a year. Thanks , it's important for me " Tracking all block headers (420 MB/year) will keep proof sizes ...
whr's user avatar
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Difference between ref_block_num and ref_block_prefix and how to retrieve it?

I am trying to construct a header of a transaction. So my question is - what is the difference between ref_block_num and ref_block_prefix in a transaction header and how to retrieve it? is there a ...
jinjineos's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How exactly is the block height defined in EOS?

I wanna show users the confirmation height of their transactions. Which one is the way to go? Latest block - transaction block OR Last irreversible block - transaction block ?
Marcel's user avatar
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9 votes
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Block data structure

Can someone explain the transaction_mroot, action_mroot and block_mroot used in block_header? I understand what a merkel tree is. Is transaction data actually stored in block or just the transaction ...
Charles Ju's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is the block digest c++ specific?

I'm not sure how to write this block header digest/hash generation in another language then C(++). Is this even possible without a lot of hacking? If so: Could a language-neutral format for the ...
wanheda's user avatar
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