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When you query on a secondary index, are you provided with a cryptographic proof?

EOS newbie here. Thanks for any insight. If you can point me towards more info, great.
Paul's user avatar
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How to access data inside multi-index table when using 2D vector / 2D array?

What is going on? :D I write data, but cannot find it after I write it. The following code successfully emplaces the row into the multi-index table: See specifically the vector<vector <...
TLCC Consultants's user avatar
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How to set vector type field as a secondary index in smart contract?

I want to set a group vector as a secondary index in the user smart contract. group is the list of groups. Following is the changes I am doing: struct [[eosio::table]] usertable { ...
Varsh's user avatar
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How do I lookup multiple entries by same secondary indices with more than limit entries?

I have a table with a lot of entries. I want to iterate through all the rows by the same secondary index on multiple pages. TABLE post { uint64_t id; name author; string text;...
Frank Generali's user avatar
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Use UUID as primary key in multi_index

How can I use a uuid as the primary. struct [[eosio::table]] blackboxdata { name user; std::string uuid; std::string hash; std::string sqlrequest; uint64_t ...
Emilien's user avatar
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How do I access (sha256) / sort (i128) a secondary/tertiary indices with cleos / curl?

I'm trying to access either of our additional indices of the accountext table. I'm able to access the 3rd index but I'm not sure how to sort it, the second index returns an empty table: // this I ...
Nat's user avatar
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