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Calculate EOS account resources CPU, RAM and NET in percentage

I am designing my own EOS dashboard in which I want to show the respective account's resources CPU, NET and RAM in Percentage as they are in the attached picture (from when ...
Varsh's user avatar
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Transaction Net Usage Is Too High: 136 > 0

I am getting this message when trying to transfer EOS from my Ledger nano S: Transaction Net Usage Is Too High: 136 > 0 What is the reason for this error message when trying to do a transaction?
Don's user avatar
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Altering userres and delband tables after set_resource_limit(-1, -1, -1)

For a private network to remove ram net cpu i set the resource limit to unlimited for each newaccount created. By chaging set_resource_limits to set_resource_limits( newact, -1, -1, -1 ); //unlimited ...
hassan ahmed's user avatar
1 vote
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Is there a way to gauge how clogged the EOS resource exchange is where transactions would get stuck?

With the recent resources causing transactions to get stuck. Is there a way to gauge if my transaction would get stuck? Is there some type of graph or chart to see how much of the resources are free ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Can a transfer fail when the receiving account is out of resources?

I have seen this twice now on our Telos project - an account that ran out of CPU / net / RAM - not entirely sure which - became impossible to send to from another account that was still OK. It's as ...
n13's user avatar
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Transaction NET usage on and 'get account' don't match

When my account did not have enough NET resource ( 12 bytes limit at that moment) and I sent a transaction, I got an error transaction net usage is too high: 120 > 12 I bought NET resource and ...
Tigran Sahakyan's user avatar
4 votes
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How can a dApp pay for user's resources since the upgrade to v1.8?

Since the upgrade to v1.8 of EOSIO, it is supposed to be possible for a dApp to pay for the CPU and NET resources of the dApp users. How is this achieved on a technical level?
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
1 vote
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Confused about the differences between NET and RAM on the EOS network

I'm trying to wrap my head around the differences between the 2 resources on the EOS network: NET and RAM. My understanding is that "NET" represents the share of the entire EOS blockchain that we are ...
tg_crypto's user avatar
2 votes
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Platforms for EOS research

Hello everyone is there a place where the community discusses relevant research for the advancement of EOS? Is there any community driven research like in Ethereum? Thanks and greetings :)
simba's user avatar
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What does it mean to have multiple blockchains on EOS

In the whitepaper v2, I saw a section for inter-blockchain communication. Does this mean communicating with blockchains based on other technologies like Ethereum? If not does that mean that each DApp ...
1 vote
1 answer

Any resources to learn about EOS Consensus algorithm in detail?

I've gone through the white paper v2 for EOS but I was wondering if there are any resources that have a detailed technical explanation of the version of the DPoS consensus algorithm used in EOS. I'm ...
1 vote
1 answer

Are table lookups, like get_table_rows, included in CPU/NET resource calculation?

If a smart contract includes user data, would our smart contract be charged CPU/NET resources to do lookups on those tables, or is it only charged for transfers and actions etc.
Matt Beckman's user avatar
2 votes
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Issue in transferring EOS from Ledger Nano to exchange

I was getting an issue at the time of transferring my EOS from Ledger Nano S using Fairy wallet to one exchange. It was unable to complete the transaction due to deadline. I got few good response and ...
vijay tomar's user avatar
3 votes
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do i still need to pay after deployed an eos contract

I have deployed a contract. and I am confused about the fees: Do I still need to pay for resources such as RAM and CPU for actions like emplace and modify after I deployed a contract? Or can I just ...
liu Rick's user avatar
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When staking for resources of cpu or bandwidth does it stack?

When you commit your eos for staking to get cpu and net. Do these resources stack on top of another? As in if I earned 10 cpu and 10 net one day. I get 20 cpu and 20 bandwidth the next day?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Any proposal where one can stake eos on behalf of certain accounts that have no eos at all?

Is there any proposal that lets a parent account stake on behalf of child-accounts so those child accounts can freely send out tokens if they received them? My dilemma is if I created an account for ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
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What other blockchains are similar to EOS that make use of the entire network's "resources"?

Is there another blockchain like EOS that has to do with resources? I like the fact that you can stake eos to get permission to use parts of the networks "resources". Was wondering what other ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
2 votes
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How does one see how much ram I have used? And how can I recover the used ram?

From my understanding ram is like drive space in eos. And I'm assuming when we make transactions, that ledger data is stored in ram? Is there a way to delete what we used in ram to empty it out so we ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the latest development of EOS.IO Storage?

Does anyone know the latest development of EOS.IO Storage? This includes the determination of storage supply and the status of implementing IPFS. I found this article from BM, yet it was a year ago. ...
Matthew L's user avatar
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Which mobile wallets you stake your eos holdings and how much do you need to stake?

From my understanding staking is used to get resources? And if so, how much does one need to stake a decent amount? And which mobile wallet do you need to stake and do you need to have the app ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
4 votes
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I'm still wrapping my head around EOS RAM and CPU resources. How do they work exactly?

Coming from other blockchains, renting or buying ram / cpu on EOS is a weird concept to grasp for now. From my understanding, an EOS account can choose to buy ram or cpu? Can they not buy any at ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Where should tables be created? In the contract or in each action?

In the simple blog dapp ( the table (for posts) was defined in the contract but is not instantiated as a field. What are the advantages/...
friedger's user avatar
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Can I create private eos blockchain without using RAM trading?

I would like to have a private network of servers that produce blocks and do not need to restrict resources.
metaboy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

resource consumption estimation of EOS transaction

Currently, is there a tool to calculate/estimate the resource consumption(CPU, RAM, NET...) of an EOS transaction? Or any team in EOS community working on it?
yiqi chen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What Determines Transaction Per Second?

I do not understand what factors/hardwares are designed for TPS. How can we know the max_transaction_cpu_usage? Example: I have a VPS computer with 7 CO RAM: 1024MB CPU: 2 Core Transfer: 2TB Network:...
Quoc Le's user avatar
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Is there any limits on CPU, NET?

I have some questions about CPU, NET resource model. I know RAM is up to 64GB, and more and more people buy RAM, price will be go high, and vice versa. But I don't know about CPU and NET. In my ...
Jason's user avatar
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How Does NET/CPU Recharge Over Time?

I'm asking this because no one has been able to give a valid answer that applies to all cases. Also, in the EOS Devs Telegram, there are constantly people commenting that their NET/CPU hasn't come ...
Nat's user avatar
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Fractional reserve CPU and bandwidth

I've heard about fractional reserve features on EOSIO software in which unused CPU and Bandwidth are free to utilise unless the network reaches actual demand. How does the network determine how much ...
John Williamson's user avatar
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Releasing your RAM, not caring for pre-existing records [duplicate]

Say if, I push an action to an existing contract on the EOS main net. This action creates a record in a table/multi index container with me as the payer in the emplace method. No other action ...
John Williamson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to calculate memory quota, net bandwidth and cpu bandwidth limit in an account?

Suppose account aaa will have a total of 10 EOS with 1 EOS staked for net bandwidth and 1 EOS staked for cpu bandwidth. And no other account will delegate resources to account aaa. How can we ...
J. Hu's user avatar
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Can I stake back my bandwidth without cost?

Say I have staked enough eos for 10mb of bandwidth. When I run out of bandwidth, can I unstake and stake back as soon as possible to get 10mb more of bandwidth without any cost?
Jordi Goyanes's user avatar
3 votes
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Understanding the role of bandwidth and resource allocation

I’m having trouble conceptualizing how bandwidth works in EOS. The RAM part makes sense- peristant storage for smart contracts, used the bancor algorithm to calculate ram price, etc. What exactly is ...
Coutts's user avatar
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What block explorers are available? [closed]

Scouring the telegram channels I found: any others?
Vlad's user avatar
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How can I know the cpu and net bandwidth required for my transaction to be completed?

Before pushing an action on blockchain, how do I find out the minimum amount of cpu and net bandwidth required for my transaction to be completed? If there is no way to know such thing, then how do I ...
kartik's user avatar
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transaction reached the deadline set due to leeway on account CPU limits

I get this error while delegating resources from one account to other account. Is this because i have low available cpu and available net in my account? If so how can I avoid it?
kartik's user avatar
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Who guarantees the assignment of resource?

I am confused about the Token model and Resource Usage the white paper. If I hold 1% of the total tokens, I can use 1% of the total resource. But who guarantees this? The block producers? But they ...
Yuan Rui's user avatar