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cleos data getting inserted and deleted but table shows empty record

I have written one smart contract for insert, update and delete data. The smart contract is compiled and deployed to the two accounts. I insert data using calling the action upsert, this transaction ...
Varsh's user avatar
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How to delete record on EOS if I forget table structure

I issue an EOS token for fun half a year ago and I'm planning to release my EOS ram recently. The problem is that I forget the table structure I made before and I overwrite the contract and there is ...
michaelfaust's user avatar
2 votes
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scope in the get table command

What is the meaning of scope argument in the get table command? For example, in the todo_contract, ( we have cleos --wallet-url http:...
Sanghwan Lee's user avatar
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How to list all tables I have on main-net account, and how do I see the table keys?

I am struggling with listing all tables that exist on my account, as well as listing all the keys that I got in each table. What would be the cleos command ? Should I need to publish a contract, ...
Damir Olejar's user avatar
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How to retrieve historical EOS supply?

I know $ cleos get currency stats eosio.token EOS reports the current supply in the blockchain, but how can I get the supply through time?
confused00's user avatar
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Get table rows HTTP API in JSON

When I try to get table using curl --request POST \ --url
Ostap Horbach's user avatar