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How can we retrieve table data with secondary Index in EOS table

this is my table struct [[eosio::table]] payment_made { uint64_t pay_id; uint64_t loan_id; uint64_t pay_amunt; time_point_sec pay_date_req; time_point_sec pay_date_approve; ...
guruprakash gupta's user avatar
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Can we store date on eosio table?

Is there any direct datatype in eosio to store date? and if not then how can we store dates in eosio table? void mainloan::paymentConfirm(uint64_t pay_id,uint64_t pay_date,double pay_amunt,name from ...
guruprakash gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does using available_primary_key() as scope for a table result in this behaviour?

Scenario: Two tables, each using uint64_t as a primary key Table A rows need to reference rows in Table B Why? Relational database data duplication reasoning etc etc Both table's primary keys are ...
Jason Bert's user avatar
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Contract Table Query Exception

As i was following eosio developers documentation #include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp> #include <eosiolib/print.hpp> using namespace eosio; using namespace std; class addressbook : public ...
Swapna's user avatar
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Can we add the permission to access the table?

I know how to declare ,initialize and get,set values in a table .My question is Can we add permission to access the table to a particular user inside our smart contract ?
Nirdesh Kumar's user avatar