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Questions tagged [testnet]

Questions that are specific to or arose during interaction with private or public testnets. In this context, testnets contrast with the mainnet or other chains that are considered to be launched and live.

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1 answer

I want to store additional data on the "submit_transaction" using transact on the api object

I am new to the eosio platform. My goal is to store additional data onto the and receive a transaction_id which I managed to do. However on searching my transaction_id I see my ...
Tanzim's user avatar
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1 answer

Testnet status for web portal

Is any else facing testnet 502 gateway error when trying to access the front end web portal for the testnet.
Taaha Waseem's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it impossible to fund EOS Testnet ADDRESS + MEMO?

How can I fund this EOS Testnet account? address: qi1lzjkyntve memo: 2ewUBwtRY Jungle3, Scatter,, (& others) are NOT working! Those EOS Testnets ...
Capybara's user avatar
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1 answer

EOSIO failed when using Smart Contract Action with updated Parameters

I deploy a Smart Contract first time and the action becomes usable as it's supposed to be, but when Action's parameters is updated with a new one between existing p1 and p2 old parameters (result: p1, ...
Leister Campos's user avatar
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2 answers

How check deferred transaction logs on EOS jungle testnet?

As I working on jungle testnet and perform a 1 deferred transaction with some scheduled automatic time. But I failed to see transaction logs on the jungle testnet. Can any please guide me here with ...
Isha Padalia's user avatar
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I'm facing this error after replaying the nodeos, towards the very end block. Can anybody please explain and suggest me something?

I've used this command for replaying on single local testnode and my nodeos version is 2.0.1 sudo nodeos --replay-blockchain -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::producer_plugin --plugin eosio::chain_plugin --...
AditiB's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to fetch transaction using transactionId on Local Single Node Testnet eos. What could be the reason?

So I am trying to grab the information for a given transaction from EOS Local Single Node Testnet. No matter what I do it says it can't find the transactionID I pass. The transactionID ID is the valid ...
AditiB's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add mongodb to your private network unable to find plugin: eosio::mongo_db_plugin

I am trying to setup mongodb on private network node on cent OS 7 based server but it throws error unable to find plugin: eosio::mongo_db_plugin. I have uncommented mongo plugin settings in config.ini....
hassan ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to add "eosio.code" permission to an account on testnet?

I am trying to add a the "eosio.code" permission to an account on testnet. I am using the following command: cleos -u set account permission lsqkeotnnpyu active '{"...
Sarah_M's user avatar
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1 answer

make inline transfer contract and using it on jungle testnet

hello everyone i am faceing a problem on jungle testnet i am trying to make a inline transfer but i got this error after i work with the api_endpoint the code is #include <eosio/eosio.hpp> #...
AhmadKajjan's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Difference between local nodeos instance and setting up a private eos network

Is the local test node instance here same as the one in Ethereum and synchronizes all blocks from the public test chain? Or it does it start from the genesis block and contain only my data? Is there ...
coder's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get account name or list of accounts from a public key using eosjs? Account is on Jungle testnet

const { Api, JsonRpc } = require('eosjs'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const rpc = new JsonRpc('', { fetch }); let validAccounts =await rpc....
AditiB's user avatar
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Unsupported abi version

I am making an offline transaction. I am providing the API with the following parameters as an object: rpc: new JsonRpc('', { fetch }), signatureProvider: new ...
Hasnain Ali's user avatar
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3 answers

How does Jungle testnet create new account?

I have created new account in . I have a copy of the log # eosio <= eosio::newaccount {"creator":"junglefaucet","name":"myaccount","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{...
Tigran Sahakyan's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I create account with eos js?

Is there a way to create an account via eos js For example I would to avoid having to go to to create an account on the testnet, is that possible?
standup75's user avatar
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Unable to publish to Kylin

I have been developing against a local node, for which I created a key-pair. Now that it's time to publish to the testnet, I've imported said private key into Scatter and linked it to the account to ...
ekkis's user avatar
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1 answer

Nodeos remembers the old public key

I am following the instructions here: Local Multi-Node Testnet Second time. When I try to start the second node it prints out this error message: "Not producing block because I don't have the ...
Aleksey's user avatar
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How many requirement to make EOS testnet

I have made my local EOS testnet. Almost I followed the Bios Boot Sequence Pages. So I made a "eosio" account and created two block producers that were registered in chain. So three were created. But ...
T Eom's user avatar
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2 answers

Exception in thread "main" client.exception.EosApiException: Not Found: unspecified while creating account

I am using following of Java code while creating account: Using Java library eos-java-rpc-wrapper adyliu/jeos Using Jungle2 testnet Chain Id of jungle2 testnet: ...
crypto's user avatar
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How to avoid CORS error on testnet?

When accessing an eos contract via eosjs, it works fine on a local net, but raises an error on testnet (jungle): Access to fetch at '' from origin 'http://...
Lazaridis's user avatar
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Account creation on jungle testnet node? [duplicate]

I have setup a node with jungle testnet and it starts syncing the blocks. The chain id and server version are same as on jungle testnet. Now I have to wait for the completion of blocks to create an ...
Hasnat Ahmed's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there an Infura or similar node service compatible with eosjs? For testnet/mainnet? Or, is starting your own node the way to go?

Are there any public api nodes for EOS? I.e. API key rate limited, etc I'd also appreciate a post on using the EOS testnet the first time. I can't find anything in Google search results about EOS, ...
nick carraway's user avatar
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1 answer

My Testnet Account has got few tokens other than EOS, which are not showing in Kylin Testnet wallet

Kylin test account: thomsonimjd15 has got few tokens like RTT, PPT, LVE Please see the above image from explorere for transaction on the tokens I have connected to the wallet using scatter, I am not ...
Thomson Ignesious's user avatar
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1 answer

Token transfer missing_auth_exception

{ "code":500,"message":"Internal Service Error", "error":{"code":3090004,"name":"missing_auth_exception", "what":"Missing required authority", "details":[{"message":"missing authority of thomsoimj21","...
Thomson Ignesious's user avatar
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1 answer

How to deploy a contract to testnet

I have written a helloworld contract and got compiled that successfully thomsonim123 is my kylin testnet account with some EOS when I want to deploy the contracct to the testnet I get few errors. ...
Thomson Ignesious's user avatar
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1 answer

How to run EOS nodeos in Testnet? [duplicate]

How can I run EOS node in testnet mode to test my transaction for wallet and mange my contracts like Koven testnet in Ethereum?
Thomson Ignesious's user avatar
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1 answer

Which eos testnet has the cheapest fees and RAM?

I'm looking to work with EOS on testnet, but I know there are a few testnet implementations. Which EOS testnet has the cheapest RAM and CPU where I can use for test my dapp? My dapp mainly sends 500 ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I connect to the Jungle 2.0 Network with dfuse API

Where is the dfuse API endpoint to connect to the Jungle 2.0 Network?
Anthony's user avatar
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1 answer

Not able to find account on jungle test net 2.0

Jungle test has been update to jungle 2.0, I have some accounts on previous version . My question is Do I have to create all accounts again because API endpoints are changed a bit? Anybody have any ...
Nirdesh Kumar's user avatar
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Error when transfering EOS token on jungle testnet2 between my accounts

I've create 2 accounts on the testnet (jungle2) and funded one account with the faucet. I then tried to transfer some EOS to the other account. this is the command I've used but it's not working ...
M. Carlo Bramini's user avatar
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How to get local testnet account for use with scatter

I'm running a chain locally. Making accounts with cleos and interacting with contracts is easy to understand. But now i want to use my contract with scatter. I tried importing the private keys of ...
DUDE139's user avatar
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How to deploy my samrt contract on testnet in EOS [duplicate]

I have successfully pushed the transaction and deployed the smart contract on private net, I want to know How to deploy it on testnet. I have created the account on Jungle testnet.. Kindly tell me ...
Danish's user avatar
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Inline actions doesn`t show up in Jungle Testnet Monitor

On the Jungle testnet when I transfer tokens to somebody I can see the transaction in account history, but when I call contract action, which has inline transfer action, I can`t see it on Testnet ...
Вадим Писаренко's user avatar
3 votes
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Deploying contract to jungle testnet wallet error

I am trying to cleos set contract lonklytestt4 ./missions missions.wasm missions.abi and getting: Using correct URL, but when trying to set contract for user I get: Reading WASM from ./missions/...
Vivienne Fosh's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to increase RAM on Jungle testnet?

My contract requires 350KB of RAM on the blockchain but it seems that jungle testnet only provides around 200KB of RAM size. Can the RAM on testnet be increased somehow? The error I am getting while ...
Rajat Chaudhary's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

EOSFactory Testnet Error

I've just installed eosfactory and a fresh copy of EOS on my WSL ubuntu 18.04 and I'm failing all of the initial unit tests indicating there might be a problem with my install. The tests fail at the ...
JavaHead1560's user avatar
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1 answer

Checkpoint/backups for testnets?

What are best practices for checkpointing/saving EOSIO chain data in a way that can be restored relatively quickly into the nodes, in case of some corruption in the live chain?
Blockpusher's user avatar
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2 answers

I have an error when deploying bios contract

Please help me to solve a problem. I recently updated eosio to v1.0.5 and got an error while deploying bios contract. I had no such problems neither with version v1.0.2 nor with v1.0.1. I followed ...
Ivan Yakimov's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to connect to public testnet without nodeeos?

We are building EOS dapp; we have build and tested in using local nodeeos, now we would like to deploy contract on public testnet but did not find any information about it. I can create account on ...
Raj Saraf's user avatar
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Can't upload contract to my own testnet

So I am able to compile my program (It generates the hello.abi and the hello.wast) but when I try to add it the the blockchain that I am running I get: cleos set contract exchange hello.wast hello....
Ignacio Oroná's user avatar
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How can I sync my nodeos with a Mainnet or Testnet?

I can't find in the wiki how do you sync your nodeos with a testnet or mainnet. I need this for a project I'm developing.
Jordi Goyanes's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I create a non staked account on jungle testenet?

I get the following error while trying to create account using the cleos create wallet api. ./ create account safarilion12 testacc43211 EOS8jd4VBQ8e5Yy7voS12LB4XL1vH112VNQPFQ7wu6PWF77FwRpLU ...
kartik's user avatar
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eosd missing after build

I'm following along on the github tutorials for dawn-2.x public and private testnet nodes. After running ./ I move onto the next step and try to start the eos daemon cd ~/eos/build/scripts; ./...
ARoomWithABue's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

what are the steps to connect to a test net?

I have gone through the process of building latest dawn tag and ran the verification tests; what are the next steps to follow to be able to connect to a test net my brand new shiny BP? thank you
ovi's user avatar
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How can I run a single node testnet with no internet connection?

Trying to run nodeos with not internet connection produces the following error: nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin 2482204ms thread-0 ...
Martin H's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can't --resync nodeos - How do I cleanly shut down?

I made a typo when I was creating and launching a single node test net. I am trying to 'start again' but I don't know if I'm going about it the right way. Here is what happens when I type nodeos --...
Mikey Musch's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What EOS.IO testnets are available out there?

First of all, I know that I can use local single-node local testnet for development, but I am also interested to know what are other public testnets available, run by a community. I know, that there ...
noisy's user avatar
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7 votes
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How many blocks in a row one producer can produce? How many blocks need to be produced to be considered as irreversible?

I am running so called SuperHero testnet node on my computer, and I've noticed that according to logs, blocks are produced in series, usually by 12 in one series produced by one block producer: Can ...
noisy's user avatar
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