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Transactions are one of the the fundamental mechanisms of communication between EOSIO accounts. Thus, questions may relate to aspects such as the process of sending, receiving, validating, and creating transactions, as well as transaction properties, components, limitations, and other related functionalities.

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Cannot find Transaction. If the transaction is deferred, it has already been executed or exp...

I deployed a smart contract on the local blockchain. After that, I executed on the transaction in which I passed 1000 hex strings as parameters which are to be get saved in the table. It returns me th …
Varsh's user avatar
  • 307
2 votes

transaction declares authority '{"actor":"mymultisig11","permission":"active"}', but does no...

I checked, the eosio.msig account as privileged was not set. For this, If the system contract is not deployed, we need to deploy it first. Here is a tutorial …
Varsh's user avatar
  • 307
2 votes
1 answer

transaction declares authority '{"actor":"mymultisig11","permission":"active"}', but does no...

I am following the given tutorial of multisig : And I am stuck for the command cleos multisig exec partner11111 payme -p partner11111@activ …
Varsh's user avatar
  • 307
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1 answer

Is the genesis.json initial_key is used to sign transactions in multi-node blockchain?

API is using the private key of the genesis node whose public key is set as an initial_key in genesis.json to sign transactions. … My question is if I want to do transactions using the Peer3 private key, then do I need to change the initial_key as a public key of Peer3? …
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