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9 votes

How to convert an account_name to a string?

Use the name struct. 'name' is defined in types.hpp. For example, if you have the variable user of type account_name, you can print the user as follows: auto n = name{user}; print("Hello, ", n); ...
smarteasy's user avatar
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9 votes

How to get an account on EOS mainnet?

If chain wasn't started yet, and I have some EOS ERC20, then I need to register my tokens. I need to make sure, to save my private key, which will become an owner key to my account Yes, you need to ...
John Williamson's user avatar
6 votes

EOSjs getTableRows lower and upper bound on account name

The eosjs library has a format module that will transform account name strings into the appropriate table keys... const Eos = require("eosjs") const BigNumber = require("bignumber.js") const ...
Tyler J Kuhn's user avatar
6 votes

What happens when we run out of names

There are 26 letters and 5 numbers available for making standard EOS names, meaning there are = 787662783788549761 possible names available. And that excludes all the non-standard names that are ...
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
4 votes

Is it possible to derive an eos account name from a public key?

Yes, it is possible. Using cleos you can just run this command: cleos --url get accounts <EOS public key> This will give you a list of account names associated to ...
Andres Berrios's user avatar
4 votes

Why are string-related data types like account_name converted to type uint64_t?

The account name is converted into an integer uint64 using the function string_to_name defined in types.hpp file static constexpr uint64_t string_to_name( const char* str ) { uint32_t len = 0; ...
Gopalakrishnan Nadar's user avatar
4 votes

Why are string-related data types like account_name converted to type uint64_t?

They are not strings, but rather base32 string representations of the uint64s. That’s why they are limited to 12 chars length and only the characters a-z, 1-5 and . When ever you see the preprocessor ...
Ariel Scarpinelli's user avatar
4 votes

Rename account? Can an account name be changed?

You cannot rename (nor delete) an account. Once created an account exists on the blockchain forever (immutability of blockchains and all that, transactions and accounts stay on forever). You could ...
Vlad's user avatar
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3 votes

How does one go about getting a .com .org .net account name and how do I get control of a dot domain wild card?

You can buy and sell names on
Matthew Darwin's user avatar
2 votes

How can a token holder create a 12 character account name on EOS for free?

It takes an existing account on the EOS main net in order to create a new one. You can create one using cleos by Block One or if you prefer a GUI interface you can use this toolkit by ...
John Williamson's user avatar
2 votes

Account name privacy?

Will it be public information that ABC created SupportPoliticalCandidate? yes, every transaction has an id named tranaction id, by query the id, everyone can know what happened. If you ...
spartucus's user avatar
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2 votes

Questions about Premium account name

Not sure about the exact date/time in UTC or any timezone. All we know it is suppose to start after 14 days of mainnet start. If you win the bid for com, you can register any name using: [a-z1-5]{1,8}....
Kabir's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get account name from Public or Private key via eosjs?

Use eosjs get_key_accounts. See
eval's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the EOS Name Bidding Operational? (September 1 2018)

No, it is currently not working. I asked why in telegram and received no response. I also did a brief search of the issues and did not find anything. You can post an issue on the repo if you like: ...
Nat's user avatar
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2 votes

Why do EOS accounts have to be 12 characters?

Why was the 12 character limit chosen for account names? Why can't I make a 4 letter account name? As explained by Dan here: Currently EOSIO prohibits the creation of new account names that are less ...
confused00's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does it cost money to create an account?

Why does it cost money to create an account? You can think of EOSIO to have two types of storage: Log is the blockchain itself where all transactions made are stored; RAM is the state, which is ...
confused00's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I send money to an EOS public key?

You can't send money to a public key, because the same public key can be used for many accounts, and the code wouldn't know which account should receive the money. This is the same on any based ...
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
2 votes

Get public key of an EOS account name

You should be able to use get_account
Buddy Deck's user avatar
2 votes

convert the action name to human readable (e.g. .....1c5..1k)

The deserializeTransaction call should return the correct data already. It seems like it's trying to deserialize a transaction from a wrong transaction buffer. The expiration date and other fields don'...
cmichel -'s user avatar
1 vote

How much does it cost to create an EOS alias account name? And where can you create one?

There isn't a concept of "alias account names" in EOSIO--account names are unique identifiers, and they all cost the same and have the same functionalities. Accounts cost network resources to store ...
confused00's user avatar
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1 vote

How to pass an empty parameter into action with cleos

The correct format is: cleos push action myaccount hello '{"person":"0"}' Note: The name of the action is hello, not hi
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
1 vote

Retrieve the creator account name of a new generated account

If you know your account name go this site and there is a option called Account Info on the top left corner. Click on that and put your account name. After enter you will find all info , ram and cpu ...
Nirdesh Kumar's user avatar
1 vote

How to scrape all accounts/public_keys in EOS mainnet?

You can use this service which does this periodically for you:
Nat's user avatar
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1 vote

How to scrape all accounts/public_keys in EOS mainnet?

Best solution I can think of is running a mainnet node with --plugin eosio::mongo_db_plugin to get all accounts in a mongo collection. However, by default, the public keys are not stored in the ...
confused00's user avatar
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1 vote

How to get all the accounts of EOS mainnet for research purpose?

Update: EOS NY Will Pull a Snapshot for you on request and they've also open sourced their code: https://www....
Nat's user avatar
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1 vote

How to manage accounts on EOS mainnet?

Description of adding/changing private keys is available here. To transfer EOS tokens using cleos, use: cleos -u <RPC API URL> transfer <sender account name> <recipient account name>...
Patryk Perduta's user avatar
1 vote

How to use the new EOS account name registered?

did you provided the same owner keys for the new account, then just select the new account in scatter or if you are using cleos just load(import) the keys and use new accountname while doing ...
subbu494's user avatar
1 vote

Error message when trying to create account

Have you connected an account in eostoolkit? You'll see 'Attach an Account' in the 'Creator' field on the create account form if you haven't. If not, click 'Connect Account' at the top of the ...
Don's user avatar
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1 vote

Difference btw Premium + Non-Premium Accounts?

Normal acccount names Are exactly 12 characters long and do not contain a dot. These can be created right now by sending a newaccount action to the eosio.system contract. Premium Account Names ...
Alexander Theißen's user avatar
1 vote

EOS premium name bidding / refunding / alert tools (eosio.names)

If you want to hack it, GenerEOS has a site that tracks bidding: They've also posted their source code:
Nat's user avatar
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