5 votes

Is there a math error in Bancor paper?

The forumula is ambiguous over "when" in time you read the balance (before or after). For all of my testing I was never able to get the paper's formula to work without giving profits to users.
bytemaster's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a math error in Bancor paper?

After considerable thought and discussions with other people, I affirm that there is no error in Rosenfeld's Bancor paper as Dan Larimer suggests. Therefore, there seems to be no theoretical ...
Sergio A. Yuhjtman's user avatar
2 votes

What's the purpose of RAMEOS relay?

True. no need to go through the relay if you don't sell or buy the relay token (RAMEOS) directly. The formula can be changed to: amount_from / (balance_from + amount_from) * balance_to see this ...
Tal Muskal's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a convert API for Bancor on EOS?

It looks like their API only supports ETH and the docs say that it's in alpha, so we may see it supporting EOS soon. You can ask in their Telegram to see if the API is ahead of their docs. With that ...
Nat's user avatar
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1 vote

Where does the initial connector balance for the Bancor RAM Algorithm Come From

There was no need for any initial eos token balance for the bancor algorithm to work properly. The bancor algorithm calculates the price based on initial parameters set in the code and the current ...
Ami Heines's user avatar
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