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3 votes

Where can one find the total size of the eos blockchain?

You can find the total block size of eos blockchain here:
Hitit's user avatar
  • 56
2 votes

Is there a way to attach a message to an EOS transaction and see it publicly on a block explorer?

How can I attach this message to a transaction when sending nothing? If you send nothing, what are you going to attach it to? Generally, for most tokens (the main EOS token included), the transfer ...
Gassa's user avatar
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1 vote

How big is the EOS blockchain? Does it grow much faster compared to others due to the short blocktimes?

As of 2018 October EOS size is 29GB after coming on live since May 2018. It's about 6GB a month or 72GB a year or average 100GB a year assuming its actively used.
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote

How big is the EOS blockchain? Does it grow much faster compared to others due to the short blocktimes?

You can download a snapshot of the blockchain form here, untar it and check the size.
damianodamiano's user avatar

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