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8 votes

How to set up a private blockchain using EOS?

Whenever you set up a local testnet node or run nodeos on your home computer, you are creating a new EOS chain. What matters is how you choose to connect it to other nodes to decentralise the system. ...
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
5 votes

Returning values from actions

Can you call the below to activate ACTION_RETURN_VALUE cleos push action eosio activate '["c3a6138c5061cf291310887c0b5c71fcaffeab90d5deb50d3b9e687cead45071"]' It looks like you called ...
Deck's user avatar
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5 votes

How to set up a private blockchain using EOS?

Yes you can create a private blockchain take a look to this tutorial :
Neetesh Gangwar's user avatar
2 votes

Initialization of system account within unit tests

Found the answer. It is genesis block initialization (mostly by eosio.bios.wast).
Teresa's user avatar
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2 votes

Querying EOSIO system contract table

System tables are not (yet) well documented. You have to browse the source code. E.g. for voters you will find table eosio voters here:
friedger's user avatar
  • 833
2 votes

How to set up a private blockchain using EOS?

EOSIO Private network tutorial by EOS Costa Rica:
Xavier Fernandez's user avatar
2 votes

How to set up a private blockchain using EOS?

this tutorial written by EOS developer.
Hassan Abbas's user avatar
2 votes

EOS Block Producer Claim Reward

In [producer_pay.cpp][1], you'll find: const int64_t min_activated_stake = 150'000'000'0000; You'll want to either alter that when loading the contracts, or just issue tokens to some accounts and ...
Josh Kauffman's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any need of holding EOS tokens by Dapp users?

Any event (action) that occurs on an eosio chain is at least a part of a transaction. The transactions are sent to a node that either belongs directly to a block producer, or will be forwarded to one. ...
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
2 votes

Create accounts on an EOSIO private blockchain

Key generation is generating an R1 or K1 curve key, can be done with cleos cleos create key --to-console ...
Nat's user avatar
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1 vote

EOSIO Boot Not found

For any reason it's missing in the master-branch, if you are using a v2.1.0 version of EOS like the tutorial says, you probably have to switch to tag v2.1.0-rc3 or something similar. Helpful link to ...
cmadh's user avatar
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1 vote

Create accounts on an EOSIO private blockchain

What is the key generation process? As Nat says in his answer, the keys are secp256k1 or secp256r1 curve keys. You can read more about that here: Can the same keypairs ...
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
1 vote

contract compilation of 'eosio.bios' fails

If you want to build a single contract with eosio.cdt you would need to modify the code. Just use the build-script (located in the eosio.contracts-directory) to compile all system-contracts ...
cmadh's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I change quantity in transfer

namespace eosio { struct asset { int64_t amount; symbol symbol; } } 'quantity' is eosio::asset type that is a struct with two fields, amount and symbol. You can add or subtract value from ...
conr2d's user avatar
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1 vote

How to integrate Restfull API with smart contract using c#?

EosSharp and EosWsSharp and EosDotNet are what you looking for. EosSharp and EosDotNet are based on the normal RPC-API, EosWsSharp uses for real-time websocket-connections.
cmadh's user avatar
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1 vote

How two EOS nodes on two diffrent instances of aws can communicate with each other through an EOS private chain?

The nodes cannot communicate with each other directly but both the nodes can communicate with the chain or genesis node. you have to just add IP and port of the genesis node into the -p2p-peer-address ...
Neetesh Gangwar's user avatar
1 vote

Querying EOSIO system contract table

You have two options two read any table (whether system table or table of another contract) by connecting to a public node: cleos get table call:
friedger's user avatar
  • 833

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