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EOS Unstaking and changing keys

no you will not have lost your tokens. It takes 3 days to unstake your tokens, after that they should go from "refunding" to "available". Things to note are: If you unstake again before the current ...
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
1 vote

EOS Unstake Issues on 3 different websites

Hey there welcome to EOSIO! You need some cpu as the error suggests. Head on over to or
Nat's user avatar
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Stake EOS and then unstake

If you see the system_contract::delegatebw, you will know that Stake is transfer to a third party account and make a record. If you want do the things you mentioned: have trusted stake account hold ...
Reason Lee's user avatar
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What is refunds in terms of the EOS ecosystem?

When you unstake some bandwidth or CPU, it takes 72 hours to complete. Some block explorers and wallets refer to the state of these tokens during this transition time as "Refund".
James Mart's user avatar
1 vote

how can I unstake EOS Tokens staked to others?

You can use cleos to undelegatebw: cleos -u system undelegatebw youraccount1 otheraccount "0.1 EOS" "0.2 EOS" -p youraccount1@active In which, youraccount1 is your own ...
Tong Shen's user avatar
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Process of securing a hacked EOS account?

Here is my basic incident response plan if an EOS account I control is hacked: Regain control of the hacked account by changing the owner/active key pairs Identify all transactions if any that were ...
Kabir's user avatar
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Process of securing a hacked EOS account?

As I never did this, do I load my OWNER private key into a new wallet and then change the active key to something else to prevent the hacker from doing anything? Yes. Or is there another step I do ...
confused00's user avatar
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Where is the best place to get API calls of what happens to an account?

You can use the get_actions filter on a Websocket connection and keep that running, and trigger things on your side with the API.
abourget's user avatar
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Where is the best place to get API calls of what happens to an account?

EOSTracker is a block explorer that stores actions for users and also provides an API.
confused00's user avatar
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Is there some type of email alert notification service when something happens to an EOS account?

Yes, EOS Authority provides such a service:
confused00's user avatar
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