Bounty will be opened in 10hrs from writing (can't do it earlier). This question has been edited to meet the depth necessary to trouble-shoot an issue. The bounty will be issued as soon as the push/issue action is completed on my end. It may be necessary to re-deploy the contract, which also gave me additional errors.
Trying to re-deploy the contract gives Assert Exception (10)
Here is a list of actions that were done (I apologize if I skipped a step, doing it from a memory). Account names and keys are altered on purpose. I have managed to create a token, the last thing I need to do is to publish it. BP that I randomly chose is eosnewyork.io.
cleos version client
Build version: c9b7a247
Lets assume that these are my registered EOS keys:
Private key: 5KX2Bsns7hKNQ6YhA85xB1NQ5YzAbZMyGQM9M829TvDDBPAWHKC
Public key: EOS7bshTD31XdsY9ju7K9kdtHGQNjziPff8ANp5DGagA8CoFtbPoG
Mnemonic address: gywaofjugage
cleos wallet import 5KX2Bsns7hKNQ6YhA85xB1NQ5YzAbZMyGQM9M829TvDDBPAWHKC -n gywaofjugage
-imported private key for: EOS7bshTD31XdsY9ju7K9kdtHGQNjziPff8ANp5DGagA8CoFtbPoG
cleos wallet list
Wallets: [ "gywaofjugage *" ]
cleos wallet keys
[ "EOS7bshTD31XdsY9ju7K9kdtHGQNjziPff8ANp5DGagA8CoFtbPoG" ]
-Went to https://github.com/EOSIO/eos and downloaded the whole project as a ZIP file. Extracted, and continued with these commands:
eosiocpp -o /home/user/Downloads/eos-master/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.wast /home/user/Downloads/eos-master/contracts/eosio.token/eosio.token.cpp
Then, I have deployed the contract. I believe I might have make a mistake with "issuer" (wrote someting else, this is just for example) and that I was supposed to write my wallet name instead.
cleos -u http://mainnetapi.eoscanadaeosnewyork.comio push action gywaofjugage issuecreate '["gywaofjugage"'[ "issuer", "1"1000000000.0000 TEST"TOKEN", "gywaofjugage"]'0, 0, 0]' -p gywaofjugage
executed transaction: aabaf2b00e95ec571001dd27d898788358c4a3c9b41234671591f382115ff0b1 120 bytes 581 us # gywaofjugage <= gywaofjugage::create {"issuer":"issuer","maximum_supply":"1000000000.0000 TOKEN"}
GivesNow, I am trying to issue the token to myself first by using this command:
cleos -u http://api.eosnewyork.io push action gywaofjugage issue '["gywaofjugage", "1.0000 TOKEN", "memo"]' -p gywaofjugage@active
Error 3090004: missing required authority Ensure that you have the related authority inside your transaction!; If you are currently using 'cleos push action' command, try to add the relevant authority using -p option.
Wallet is open, keys are imported. What did I do wrong ?
Edit: the contract and account names are the same on purpose. I have tested it on a testnet and it worked... It does not work on the main-net.
Edit: It doesn't work with nodeos running and --wallet-url http://localhost:8900/ ... same result