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Error when setting up eosio.system contract - env.preactivate_feature unresolveable

Setting up a local eosio network using docker and facing an issue while setting the contract for eosio.system and eosio.bios. Eosio setup eosio : v2.1.0 eosio.cdt: v1.7.0 eosio.contracts: v1.9.0 ...
user10320's user avatar
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Stock investment

Stock investment involves purchasing shares of companies to generate returns through capital appreciation and dividends. Ruchir Gupta Training Academy offers comprehensive courses, equipping ...
user10319's user avatar
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Can i use EOS Notechain boilerplate to achieve Multi org setup?

I am building a supply chain DApp using Notechain, which works well in a local single-node environment. Now, I want to expand it to a multi-node setup to make it more distributed. What are the key ...
GeoFresher's user avatar
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Multi-Org Testnet fails in synchronizing. (Using EOS notechain boilerplate)

I am able to setup Multi-Org (4 organization) EOS network using docker. However I am not able to get the details executed by org1 action to the other nodes (i.e org2, org3 and org4). I get the account ...
GeoFresher's user avatar
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on websocket ,how can raw::unpack(state_result), or other way to do ? use abieos_bin_to_json?

Problem Description: When using WebSocket for communication, I need to deserialize the received binary data into a state_result struct, or convert it to JSON format. I understand that I can use fc::...
Jason's user avatar
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EOSJS Transfer Fail with message: Assertion failure: unable to find key

Here is my code that attempts to do EOS transfer using eosio.token smart-contract: import { Api, JsonRpc } from 'eosjs'; import { JsSignatureProvider } from 'eosjs/dist/eosjs-jssig.js'; const ...
Micos's user avatar
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I wonder if it is possible to store the key pair separately and use it externally instead of storing it in the wallet of the local node

I am a Korean wallet blockchain developer! While developing EOS, something came up that I was curious about, so I decided to post this. I understand that in the case of EOS, a wallet is registered on ...
korea-boy's user avatar
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Trying to unstake EFX coin after 4 years

I have been staking token EFX for more than 4 years now and honestly didn't touch it during that time. Now I wanted to unstake it, but when I try to connect my wallet here https://dao.effect....
Steffchen's user avatar
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account permmison inside action

my code is authority auth{.threshold = 1,.keys = {{.key = key,.weight = 1}}, .accounts = {{.permission = {.actor = get_self(),.permission"eosio.code"_n},.weight = 1}}, ...
Almoveed Hussaini's user avatar
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Transaction failed - Encoding error at root: Invalid type jsobj, no encoding methods implemented

I am getting this error on a compiled contract on WAX testnet I'm not sure where the error is from, but this file may be the cause. I don't know if it's a missing header file, etc. I can't find `jsobj ...
Douglas's user avatar
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Trace API get block call fails on a few blocks - _binary_to_variant function crashing

I'm running 6 mainnet archive nodes, today morning onwards a few blocks are returning 500, internal server error! curl --location $url/v1/trace_api/get_block --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -...
Shinto C V's user avatar
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Require a method to identify deflationary tokens before initiating a transaction

I have a quick question regarding identifying deflationary tokens before initiating a crypto transaction. For instance, I recently intended to exchange 20 ABC tokens for 10 DANK tokens(Which sends 0.1%...
Kapil Vashisht's user avatar
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404 Client Error: Not Found for url:

For the transaсtion, I used this construction. Recently it has stopped working. I get an error 404 when calling abi_json_to_bin endpoint with the above, it doesn't seem to accept the json payload list....
q2zoff's user avatar
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Error when executing get_account method: incoming message length unexpected

When sending POST request to /v1/chain/get_account using the following code, I get 502 back. import requests, json url = "" data = {&...
MikeyE's user avatar
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Error when setting eosio.bios contract

I am instantiating a new EOS network for a private blockchain. When the bios node executes cleos set contract eosio /contracts/eosio.bios -p eosio -x 1000 I get the following error. How can I fix ...
MikeyE's user avatar
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Beginner question on how EOS is used in gambling

Hey so there is this gambling site I use, which according to them uses the EOS blockchain to randomize the outcome. I'm trying to figure out if the games are rigged or not but can't get anywhere since ...
Woopsydoopsy's user avatar
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Alternative to std::ifstream for eosio contract

I'm watching for an alternative to "std::ifstream" because "#include " can't include as header in a contract. My code is: std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& str, ...
Eosio's user avatar
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Cannot deploy contract containing KV Map API

I am following the example on how to use KV-Map-API from the official page, but when I call cleos set contract ... I get following error message: Error 3070003: Serialization Error Processing WASM ...
Bazinga's user avatar
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EOS Pubkey to Addresses Conversion

I have few Public Keys for EOS and I want to generate Address from them. I was not able to find the conversion code. Any help would be highly appreciated
Mayank Daga's user avatar
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'bash: cleos: command not found' in Docker's WAX Dev image (Windows 10)?

I run Docker setup (Windows PowerShell, Admin rights): docker run -it --name waxdev -v c:\wax:/wax waxteam/dev bash docker run -it --name waxcdt -v c:\wax:/wax waxteam/cdt bash then try to use cleos ...
Kostiantyn Ivashchenko's user avatar
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How to get account name of current action?

I am gonna get account name of caller(wallet) in my action of smart contract. I used functions current_receiver(), get_sender(), get_first_receiver(). but I got contract`s account name and empty ...
Back-end expert's user avatar
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Transfer nft with anchor-link

I use this repository to connect to Anchor-Wallet while trying to transfer nfts: anchor-link When I send the transaction, in the console I have this error: Uncaught (in promise) exception: Account ...
user7261's user avatar
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Is EOS.IO Archived ? No New release or security patches will be available?

Is the EOS.IO archived ? Please confirm. I am able to see it is archived in Github. Any plan to coming up with an upgraded version ?
user7139's user avatar
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Get table row count or property from the last row

As I said I need to get the count of rows in a table. Preferly via rpc with http plugin or from a new action inside the Smart Contract. This is my Smart Contract: #include <eosio/eosio.hpp> ...
WakiApi's user avatar
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Is there a way to reduce the number of producers?

Trying to reduce 3 out of 9 producers I ran the unregprod command, but it doesn't seem to be applied. Is there a way to reduce the producer?
조병권's user avatar
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What is the latest version of eosio and what is the new github site?

Why is the official github no longer updated last year? How do I build the latest image?
zhao xiangjun's user avatar
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Maximum limit for data included in a transaction?

I am really new to EOS.IO. I need to send transactions to a private Blockchain and I am having some trouble with geth, so I was wondering if EOS could be a solution. I know by geth source code it is ...
WakiApi's user avatar
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When you query on a secondary index, are you provided with a cryptographic proof?

EOS newbie here. Thanks for any insight. If you can point me towards more info, great.
Paul's user avatar
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Transferring Tokens

I have a few accounts I would like to combine. How would it best be done? Everytime I try to transfer them, I get a DOS command line that I have no clue what to do with.
Howard Walker's user avatar
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What is the maximum size of smart contract?

I'm developing a smart contract and yesterday I couldn't deploy it into testnet with error: root@698a02be20d9:/# cleos --verbose set contract myaccount /work/mycontract -p myaccount@active Reading ...
serghd's user avatar
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How are block hashes generated

I was wondering how the future block hashes are generated. Is this fully random or could this be influenced by someone?
Jesse Vlietveld's user avatar
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eosio claimrewards action - got error: unable to find key

I've votef for proxy on Eos chain and when want to claim proxy rewards I get this error: unable to find keys.
Udbdjfj's user avatar
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Get Action Index (or contract) from inside notification

Is there a way to get the index (ordinal) of the current action that is being processed? If you could access apply_context you could do get_action_id() but afaik that isn't exposed inside an action. ...
NKCSS's user avatar
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What does FC mean?

When I see EOSIO log errors, there are many things that start with FC. By the way, what exactly does prefix "FC" mean here? ex) FC_DECLARE_DERIVED_EXCEPTION( chain_type_exception, ...
Jun's user avatar
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Can anyone give me a copy of the latest token contract code?

The old version doesn't work, so I want to request a new version of the contract code
YYYQQQ's user avatar
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How to declare a table outside of its contract-class?

As we know from the documentation, a table must be initialized as shown below: class [[eosio::contract]] helloworld: public eosio::contract { public: helloworld(eosio::name receiver, eosio::name ...
serghd's user avatar
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Purpose of max_inline_action_size?

What is the practical purpose of max_inline_action_size in global settings? I was attempting to create a contract that would be set with [email protected] / [email protected] active permissions ...
DaCryptonaut's user avatar
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Efficency of Actions

I am new to smart contracts, and I am developing a smart contract for a game. I am trying to understand if the smart contract that I created is efficient or not. I have deployed the smart contract on ...
luca gualandi's user avatar
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How to get name of account which is processing action recent in contract?

I need to authorize with admin table of contract. but I could not account name which is processing action of contract. Let me know about any eos function to get account name, if anyone know well. ...
Victor's user avatar
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Adding Ricardian Clause

I am new to eosio and so far I have been learning using EOS Studio. I have come to the point where I would like to be able to write some Ricardian Clauses in the abi file but EOS Studio does not seem ...
vision_m's user avatar
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Can't implement kv_table in smart contract

I'm trying to implement kv_table in my smart contract. Here is my sample code. #include <eosio/eosio.hpp> #include <eosio/system.hpp> #include <eosio/time.hpp> #include <string>...
Boni's user avatar
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Iterating a table by primary key greater than x and secondary key == y

How does one go about iterating a table for the next largest primary key in a table that also has a specific secondary value? Values to iterate with: uint64_t last_key_known == 1652645054; name ...
DaCryptonaut's user avatar
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how can my on_notify trigger calls contract actions (permisson issue)

I need to write a contract that automaticaly mint nfts when tokens are being transferred. So i have my : [[eosio::on_notify("*::transfer")]] void logdeposit(name from,name destination, ...
hjiul's user avatar
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how to get cpu usage of prev. actions in contract call?

Is it possible to figure out before transaction is completed, how much CPU an action in a smart contract will use? E.G. I make transaction with X actions + call to my smart - contract. Is possible to ...
Apepenkov's user avatar
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How to return all/multiple tokens owned by an account?

How do you return the balance of multiple tokens for an account in a single call? I'm using get_currency_balance to return the balance of a single token: POST
Yeti's user avatar
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Can you stack wait delay threshold for a multi signature transaction?

If for example you have an account with a permission level that has: threshold of 11 11 accounts with 1 weight each 3 day delay with weight of 2 7 day delay with a weight of 4 Would you be able to ...
Nat's user avatar
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How do I connect Wombat Wallet to my Dapp

I'm trying to integrate the Wombat wallet into our DApp. I was told the code is similar to integrating Anchor wallet to a DApp. Can anyone provide proper code or instructions?
Just Solid's user avatar
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What causes this error: Error: Required configuration or TAPOS fields are not present

What causes this error? Error: Required configuration or TAPOS fields are not present I am pushing transactions to a mainnet block producer and I am receiving this error intermittently. Any help would ...
Nat's user avatar
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Issue tokens via API

I can issue my own tokens via cleos, it works fine. But I can't find any reference on how to issue tokens via EOS API. Is there any way? Thanks in advance.
lxndrbnsv's user avatar
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How to generate the EOS keys from Mnemonic/Seed on Expo

I try to develop the eos crypto wallet app on Expo. But I can't find the solution to generate the eos keys from Mnemonic/seed phrases on Expo. Once you know the solution, please let me know.
MidasTouch's user avatar

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