I try to develop the eos crypto wallet app on Expo. But I can't find the solution to generate the eos keys from Mnemonic/seed phrases on Expo.
Once you know the solution, please let me know.
I try to develop the eos crypto wallet app on Expo. But I can't find the solution to generate the eos keys from Mnemonic/seed phrases on Expo.
Once you know the solution, please let me know.
From what I understand, you have a string with seed/mnemonic and you need to generate an eos private & public keys from it
import * as ecc from 'eosjs-ecc';
function generateKeyPair(seedString){
const seed = Buffer.from(seedString).toString('hex');
const privateKey = ecc.seedPrivate(seed);
const publicKey = ecc.privateToPublic(privateKey);
return {privateKey, publicKey}