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Questions tagged [nft]

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Transfer nft with anchor-link

I use this repository to connect to Anchor-Wallet while trying to transfer nfts: anchor-link When I send the transaction, in the console I have this error: Uncaught (in promise) exception: Account ...
user7261's user avatar
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Staking NFT to withdraw a token

What would be a good example of a smart contract that will allow users to stake NFTs and withdraw an amount of a certain token on a daily basis?
Tharox's user avatar
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NFT's with MP3 on Atomic Hub

I am experimenting with NFT's and recently learned of an MP3 "attachment". How do u combine a jpg and mp3 to create an NFT on Atomic Hub.
Ason's user avatar
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Using Swift SDK to Encode and Mint Atomic Assets?

I've been trying to solve this for weeks but I'm new to this. Atomic Assets use C++ variants to hold asset data. I've tried a range of ways to create structs and enums that can be encoded into ...
Scott-HighlyHybrid's user avatar
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How do trade eosio token and other token (NFT) in contract?

I'm trying to develop NFT's contract with reference to unicoeos/eosio.nft. Also I'm trying to develop NFT's shop contract in order to trade NFT and eosio.token. The logic trading NFT and eosio....
Winor's user avatar
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What is the equivalent of an ERC20 in EOS?

Ethereum has the basic ERC20 contract to create tokens, but what is the equivalent in EOS? Also what about ERC721 for unique tokens?
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar