Updated 4/2019
In addition to the points below. With vAccounts, account creation will become significantly less expensive.
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Your question is acceptable for the platform according to an early post.
There is a misconception that there are no transaction fees on EOS. I think the early adopters expressed this opinion without clarity a little too liberally, but that's okay because it's still arguably the best model out there.
Each transaction requires a certain amount of CPU, NET, and or RAM to accomplish as you said. All 3 of these resources are restricted in some way. The primary difference between ETH and EOS for the purposes of this conversation's scope is that the CPU/NET resources will replenish themselves and the RAM can be released and sold.
To the user, this is a more psychologically pleasing model than paying a per transaction fee. Dan wrote something where he linked to a study where evidence was provided to support this. If you're really interested, I might find it for you.
Dan has stated that account creation will be free shortly, so that is also a pretty large competitive advantage to ETH. We do not know how this will be spam limited; however, it's my personal opinion that you'll need a thumb print/face recognition for a free account.
I think of EOS like web hosting resources. You purchase a certain level of resources that you intend to not exceed for your application. If your application gets more demand, you upgrade your package, in EOS you would stake more EOS. Vice versa for less predicted demand. The difference in that example is that web hosting is billed continually as where EOS will fluctuate based on inflation as well as how saturated the network is.
Let us also not forget that ETH cannot scale which is a really big problem for them right now. I hope they can fix it.