From EOS 42 regarding the history/mongo plugin | Link:
Syncing and running a full history node in early November 2018 required roughly 800 GB of RAM. In less than one month, the history plugin now requires more than 1.5 TB of ram, nearly doubling in a matter of weeks! Using the history plugin to run a full history node now costs around 30k USD.
State History Plugin
Todd Fleming from has been developing another history solution called the State History Plugin. The state history plugin solves a number of the issues experienced with the MongoDB plugin:
- Automatically handles forks and will not store any duplicated data.
- The database storage is decoupled from Nodeos. Therefore, if the database goes down it can easily be synced without stopping Nodeos or requiring a replay of the blockchain.
- Functionality that until now was not possible. Features include getting smart contract table contents at every block they are changed.
- Any future schema changes won’t require a replay of Nodoes because of the decoupled design (note: this feature will be included in future updates).
in an effort to make the State History Plugin more accessible to everyone, EOS42 is teaming up with Block Matrix to offer daily snapshots of the State History data files, effectively allowing anyone to stand up a brand new history node in a matter of minutes instead of waiting weeks to sync.
Another article from Greymass convering the topic | Link:
The state of History API nodes on the EOS network is a growing concern. While we are all exploring long-term solutions, such as our recent sponsorship of the development of a new History Plugin, in the interim, problems continue to arise.
And one more from EOS Asia "EOS Asia’s History API Announcement":