Let's assume there's two account A, B. Here is A and B's current status.
- staked : 10 EOS
- delegated : 0 EOS
- balance : 100 EOS
- staked : 10 EOS
- delegated : 0 EOS
- balance : 100 EOS
(For convenience, I only described CPU.)
First, A typed command like below,
cleos system delegatebw A B "0.0000 EOS" "10.0000 EOS" --transfer
So, changes happen.
- staked : 10 EOS
delegated : 0 EOS
- balance : 90 EOS
- staked : 20 EOS
- delegated : 0 EOS
- balance : 100 EOS
And, Second command is below.
cleos system undelegatebw B B "0.0000 EOS" "10.0000 EOS"
Because of this command, B's status will be changed like below. (After 3 days)
- staked : 10 EOS
delegated : 0 EOS
- balance : 110 EOS
Third command is below.
cleos system delegatebw A B "0.0000 EOS" "10.0000 EOS"
(without --transfer option)
Changes happen again.
- staked : 10 EOS
delegated : 0 EOS
- balance : 80 EOS
staked : 10 EOS
- delegated : 10 EOS
- balance : 110 EOS
My questions is.. How can B take back his 10 EOS which used in Third command? In my thought, if an account has only staked values, when typed "cleos system undelegatebw A A (amount)", It goes into A's liquid balances. But I can't figure out how to to with delegated amounts.
It will be grateful if you answer with cleos command!