I am new with blockchain services. I have created wallet using command line.
curl -X POST -d '"WalletTest"
It's created successfully.
But, I'm trying to create wallet using EOSIO RPC APIs in C++. I have used curl library for http call. But, Whenever I call, I am getting following error
2019-07-02T09:50:16.709 thread-0 http_plugin.cpp:474 handle_exception ] Exception Details: 4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error
Unexpected char '100' in "data" {"c":100,"s":"data"} thread-0 json.cpp:437 variant_from_stream
thread-0 json.cpp:460 from_string
My C++ Code:
CURL *hnd1 = curl_easy_init();
curl_easy_setopt(hnd1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_easy_setopt(hnd1, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_easy_setopt(hnd1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "data=MyWallet");
struct curl_slist *headers1 = NULL;
curl_easy_setopt(hnd1, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers1);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd1, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writefunc);
curl_easy_setopt(hnd1, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &s);
printf("%s\n", s.ptr);
if(s.ptr != NULL)
What am I miss here? Please someone help. Thank you.