cleos --url transfer ge4dimrzgige ironmanineos " 0.0001 EOSDAC"
157492ms thread-0 main.cpp:2712 main ] Failed with error: unspecified (0) Symbol EOSDAC is not supported by token contract eosio.token
I tried even like this
nalam@LAPTOP-1K8NT0S9 MINGW64 /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox
$ cleos --url transfer -c eosdactokens ge4dimrzgige ironmanineos " 0.0001 EOSDAC"
320284ms thread-0 main.cpp:2712 main ] Failed with error: unspecified (0) Symbol EOSDAC is not supported by token contract eosio.token
cleos --url transfer ge4dimrzgige ironmanineos " 0.0001 EOSDAC"
435326ms thread-0 main.cpp:2712 main ] Failed with error: unspecified (0) Symbol EOSDAC is not supported by token contract eosio.token
can someone check what is the wrong in above 3 commands