When I try to get table using

curl --request POST \                                                                                               
  --url http://bp.cryptolions.io:8888/v1/chain/get_table_rows \
  --data '{"table":"global","scope":"eosio","code":"eosio","limit":10}'

I get the binary format:


But when I use

/opt/eosio/bin/cleos -u http://bp.cryptolions.io:8888 get table eosio eosio rammarket

I get expected result as JSON

  "rows": [{
      "supply": "10000000000.0000 RAMCORE",
      "base": {
        "balance": "8895932725 RAM",
        "weight": "0.50000000000000000"
      "quote": {
        "balance": "7724878.7130 EOS",
        "weight": "0.50000000000000000"
  "more": false

Wondering why HTTP API produces such results?

1 Answer 1


The output was in binary format. If you need the output as json then add "json":true in the data as shown in the command below

curl --request POST 
--url http://bp.cryptolions.io:8888/v1/chain/get_table_rows 
--data '{"table":"global","scope":"eosio","code":"eosio","limit":10,"json":true}'

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