Should I analyze all the blocks or are there some methods in the eosjs library?

  • you should start your own node, and set the history plugin to filter your action
    – Jimmy Guo
    Commented Jul 12, 2018 at 2:48

3 Answers 3


You can simply request a node to give you the action history of an account.

Using cleos:

cleos --url https://api1.eosdublin.io get actions <EOS account name>

Using eosjs:

const eosjs = require("eosjs")
const eos = eosjs({
  httpEndpoint: 'https://api1.eosdublin.io',
  chainId: 'aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906'

async function main() {
  const actions = (await eos.getActions('<EOS account name>')).actions
  console.log(actions.map(a => a.action_trace))

main().catch(error => {
  • These actions are only system action of eosio, but not all contract actions.
    – Jimmy Guo
    Commented Jul 14, 2018 at 3:01
  • @Andres : I am facing the error like rror TypeError: eosjs is not a function Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 12:53
  • @Andres : I tied with terminal "cleos get actions bob" it will give response, may I know what is actual problem Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 13:09
  • @Codebrekers this answer was written using version 16.0.9 of eosjs. Nowadays, with eosjs v20.0.0, the API is different. You should check the documentation here: developers.eos.io/manuals/eosjs/latest/index Commented Jul 3, 2020 at 20:28
  1. Of course, eosjs provides method getActions. Here's an example:

    const Eos = require('eosjs');
    const api = new Eos({
        httpEndpoint: 'https://eos.greymass.com',
        chainId: 'aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906',
  2. You can send direct request to some API like this


  • Nice suggestion, but you would depend on a centralized source instead of being able to query it from any node on the network. Commented Jul 14, 2018 at 0:17
  • @oxfn: it will give error like TypeError: Eos is not a constructor Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 13:06

You can try another node: cleos -u https://api.eosnewyork.io get actions

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