What is the best way to store fields specific for contract, for example if contract has 3 fields (2 strings, 1 uint64_t) and they can be changed? Should I create new table for this, it would always be one entry basically with 3 fields? I heard about singleton but can not figure out how to do it, maybe some example?


3 Answers 3


If there is only one instance to be created, I agree you should use a singleton for your case instead of a table directly, as this is what singletons are used for.

For API, you can check the eosio/singleton.hpp file, and here's a quick example using a singleton:


class singleton_example : eosio::contract {
        singleton_example(account_name account) :
            singleton_object(_self, _self)

        void store(account_name account, uint64_t value1, uint64_t value2) {
            singleton_object.set(sing{value1, value2}, account);

        void get(account_name account) {
            auto results = singleton_object.get();
            eosio::print(results.value1, results.value2);

        struct sing {
            uint64_t value1;
            uint64_t value2;

        typedef eosio::singleton<"singleton"_n, sing> single;

        single singleton_object;

EOSIO_ABI(singleton_example, (store)(get))
  • 1
    Nice! I wasn't aware that there was already an implementation of that abstraction. Commented Jul 25, 2018 at 13:18
  • 1
    EOSIO.CDT 1.5 singleton now requires uint64_t for the second parameter of the constructor. There's no direct conversion from the name object to it. Just change the constructor to: singleton_object(_self, _self.value)
    – Jason Bert
    Commented Mar 12, 2019 at 8:48

Yes, as you're saying, it should simply be a single table with a single row that contains your data as a struct with the 3 fields.

You would need to define your struct and table as something like this:

//@abi table state i64
struct state {
    string field1;
    string field2;
    uint64_t field3;

    // Set the primary key to a constant value to store only one row
    uint64_t primary_key() const { return 0; }

And then you can use it inside an action like this:

state_table s_table(_self, _self);

// Write to the state for the first time
s_table.emplace(_self, [&](state& row) {
    row.field1 = "something";
    row.field2 = "something else";
    row.field3 = 1234;
// Update the state
s_table.modify(state_table.begin(), 0, [&](state& row) {
    row.field1 = "something new";
    row.field2 = "some other thing";
    row.field3 = 12345;

// Read from the state
state saved_state = s_table.get(0, "Error message for when state is not set yet");
  • No problem, good luck! Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 14:23

Thank you for your answer Andreas Berrios. As of EOS CDT 1.3 release, the syntax has changed. I updated the code:

struct [[eosio::table]] state_struct {
    std::string field1;
    std::string field2;
    uint64_t field3;

    // Set the primary key to a constant value to store only one row
    uint64_t primary_key() const { return 0; }
typedef eosio::multi_index<"tablename"_n,state_struct> s_table;

s_table state_table(_self, _self.value);

// Write to the state for the first time
state_table.emplace(_self, [&](state_struct& row) {
    row.field1 = "something";
    row.field2 = "something else";
    row.field3 = 1234;
// Update the state
s_table state_table(_self, _self.value);
state_table.modify(state_table.begin(), _self, [&](state_struct& row) {
    row.field1 = "something new";
    row.field2 = "some other thing";
    row.field3 = 12345;
// Read from the state
state_struct saved_state = state_table.get(0, "Error message for when state is not set yet");

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