In ripple, bitcoin and ethereum you can sign a transaction and push/broadcast signed transaction hash only. That effectively represents the whole transaction. for example


Is it possible in EOS as well?

I have signed a transaction and this is my signed transaction which I want to push:




Can I just used signature to push the transaction or do I have to send the Packed Transaction data as well?

1 Answer 1


Yes, you need the packed transaction data. If you add the flags --print-request and --print-response (example of this), you can see how the signature process works. It requires (docs):

  • txn - string
  • keys - string
  • id - string

The push transaction RPC API call requires:

  • signatures - array of signatures required to authorize transaction
  • compression - compression used, usually false
  • packed_context_free_data - string
  • packed_trx - string

In cleos, you can use the -d and --return-packed flags together to print to the console a signed transaction.

-d,--dont-broadcast  - don't broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout)
--return-packed      - used in conjunction with --dont-broadcast to get the packed transaction

So I did this for a simple contract:

cleos -u http://jungle2.cryptolions.io:80 push action -d --return-packed eosezchatnat sendmsg '["eosezchatnat","hi"]' -p eosezchatnat

  "signatures": [
  "compression": "none",
  "packed_context_free_data": "",
  "packed_trx": "56de0f5c82dc4a508078000000000190cdcca6a1af3055000000806199a6c20190cdcca6a1af305500000000a8ed32320b90cdcca6a1af305502686900"

You could then send that transaction to the chain.

  • 1
    Thanks, I have figured out as well. I used /v1/chain/abi_json_to_bin -X POST -d '{"code":"eosio.token", "action":"transfer", "args":{"from":"alice", "to":"bob", "quantity":"10.0000 EOS", "memo":"gift from alice to bob"}}' to get packed transaction.
    – VJV
    Commented Dec 11, 2018 at 16:09

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