So the new API only accepts a packed_trx but there is no RPC call to pack a signed transaction.
How can it be done on system without cleos installed? Is there any implementation in pure Python, NodeJS or PHP?
So the new API only accepts a packed_trx but there is no RPC call to pack a signed transaction.
How can it be done on system without cleos installed? Is there any implementation in pure Python, NodeJS or PHP?
I ended up using This is my packtx.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "chain/packedtransaction.h"
#include <QDebug>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::string jsonString;
jsonString = argv[1];
SignedTransaction signedTx;
QByteArray jsonByte = QByteArray(jsonString.c_str(), jsonString.length());
QJsonParseError error;
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonByte, &error);
QJsonObject jo = doc.object();
if (jo.isEmpty()) {
std::cout << "JSON object is empty." << std::endl;
return false;
QJsonValue value = jo.value(QString("transaction"));
PackedTransaction packedtx(signedTx, "none");
QJsonValue packedJson = packedtx.toJson();
QJsonDocument tmpdoc(packedJson.toObject());
QString strJson(tmpdoc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
cout << strJson.toUtf8().constData() << endl;
You will need g++ with QT5 to compile it.
git clone
cd chainkit
rm test/main.cpp && rm utility/httpclient.cpp && rm utility/httpclient.h
vi packtx.cpp # copy&paste packtx.cpp source code
qmake -project
Sample usage:
./chainkit '{"transaction":{"expiration": "2018-09-30T08:24:04","ref_block_num": 59970,"ref_block_prefix": 1935413997,"max_net_usage_words": 0,"max_cpu_usage_ms": 0,"delay_sec": 0,"context_free_actions": [],"actions": [{"account": "eosio.token","name": "transfer","authorization": [{"actor": "user2","permission":"active"}],"data":"00000000007115d600000000807115d601000000000000000447434e00000000046d656d6f"}],"transaction_extensions": []}}'
Sample output:
RPC API could be helpful For this is API, you need to forward an API point
You can use eosjs to process transaction. here is link