The command to transfer EOS with cleos
is as follows:
cleos transfer from to quantity memo
An example of transferring 12.5 EOS from account12345 to account54321:
cleos transfer account12345 account54321 "12.5 EOS" "This is the money I owe you for giving great answers on StackExchange"
You can also do a transfer by directly calling the appropriate action in the eosio.token
contract as follows (equivalent to above):
cleos push action eosio.token transfer '{"from":"account12345","to":"account54321","quantity":"12.5000 EOS","memo":"This is the money I owe you for giving great answers on StackExchange"}' -p account12345@active
cleos push action eosio.token transfer '["account12345","account54321","12.5000 EOS","This is the money I owe you for giving great answers on StackExchange"]' -p account12345@active
Note that the quantity in the second example(s) has to be given to the correct number of decimal places for the precision of the token being transferred, for EOS, that is 4 decimal places.