I'm trying to print an ISO timestamp with second accuracy.

#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>    
time_t current_time = current_time_point().sec_since_epoch() * 1000;
char* charTime = std::put_time( std::localtime(&current_time), "%FT%T%z" );

I've tried several combinations. I keep getting complaints about the namespace:

error: no member named 'localtime' in namespace 'std'

What is the correct way of doing this using cdt 1.6.1?

1 Answer 1


eosio.cdt doesn't support time library in its libc, so you cannot use time related functions. eoscc, a customized version of eosio.cdt, supports it. (I'm a writer of that)

You can check it from here.

  • Use std::strftime instead of std::put_time. put_time needs stream.
  • std::time_t accepts seconds, so do not multiply time_point::sec_since_epoch() with 1000.
  • Use std::gmtime instead of std::localtime. localtime requires timezone.
  • In contract runtime, timezone info is not available, so you had better use the format "%FT%T" (or "%FT%TZ" for indicating UTC).
char buffer[32];
time_t current_time = current_time_point().sec_since_epoch();
std::strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%FT%TZ", std::gmtime(&current_time));

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