I have a setup of multi-node of 4 peers blockchain. Blockchain is running, few days before I deployed the smart contract and using it to save data on the blockchain. Now, I did some changes to the smart contract by changing the multi-index table name. Trying to compile and deploy this smart contract again. On the local machine, it gets compiled successfully. But on the server-side, the compilation is not getting finished with no error. It looks stuck (blinking cursor). What may be the reason? Let me know if anybody needs more information. Compilation command:
eosio-cpp --abigen commoncontract.cpp -o commoncontract.wasm
Smart contracts are in hpp files saved in /usr/opt/eosio.cdt/1.6.3/include/contracts/
and included in smart contract as header files. Smart contract is:
#include "contracts/group.hpp"
#include "contracts/user.hpp"
#include "contracts/document.hpp"
extern "C" {
void apply(uint64_t receiver, uint64_t code, uint64_t action) {
if (code == receiver) {
switch (action) {
EOSIO_DISPATCH_HELPER(group, (upsertgroup)(erasegroup))
EOSIO_DISPATCH_HELPER(user, (upsertuser)(eraseuser))
EOSIO_DISPATCH_HELPER(document, (upsertdoc)(erasedoc))
Also when I tried multiple times, temporary wasm
files get generated like commoncontract.wasm.tmp3f5048b
. Please help.