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How to deploy a smart contract on the mainnet?

I created and tested my smart contract on testnet. Now I want to deploy it on mainnet, I assume I have to purchase some EOS token and buy ram, cpu and net... I can't find anything in the docs about ...
basilisk's user avatar
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Multiple transaction hash collisions on mainnet

There are currently multiple transaction hash collisions in consecutive blocks in EOS as noted below: 7dcdcdb558028c7703faddee96e1aa48e9bbe7cd3a07cd0a74513a3599185b40 at block 10712420 and 10712421 ...
ralex's user avatar
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How does smart contract development differ between each of the EOS.IO side/sister chains?

Most tutorials that exist for smart contract development are directed at the EOS Mainnet chain. But there are several sister and side chains available, and the number is growing all the time. How does ...
Phillip Hamnett - EOS42's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is action 'eosio::setcode' on the action blacklist in the mainnet?

Error 3130005: Action to execute is on the blacklist Error Details: action 'eosio::setcode' is on the action blacklist pending console output: in mainnet Why is this?
xnfy520's user avatar
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