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Questions tagged [ramcore]

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4 votes
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When someone sells his RAM to another account, how it would clear from previous contracts?

I know unlike CPU and Net bandwidth, RAM doesn't refresh itself. we also know that we can exchange our RAM with EOS. But when someone sell his RAM to anoher user. So in this case what happen how ...
Nirdesh Kumar's user avatar
4 votes
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How RAM was allocated in dapp and how to optimize the table?

We are doing dapp development on EOS. And it seems cost more ram than we evaluated. How much ram will be used when stored a table record? And how to optimize the table structure to save the ram? See ...
Jimmy Guo's user avatar
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How can we know the usage of ram for eos?

Is there exist an table which we can know how much ram we consumed? Or is there exist an api can help for this ?
Dorsey's user avatar
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Where does the initial connector balance for the Bancor RAM Algorithm Come From

Update 7-12-18: Dan's changes | A Three Step Plan for Lowering EOS Account Creation Costs: Code updates | Added setramrate to eosio.system/abi/eosio....
Nat's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to Find Ram Market Bancor Connector Weight (CRR)

My question is how to discover the current CW for the bancor algorithm in the current RAM market. Below you can see where in the system contract RAM and the RAMCORE token is created for the market ...
Nat's user avatar
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