left side is instance(using google cloud platform) running nodeos, with below spec.
n1-standard-8 (vCPU #8, RAM 30GB, SSD 1TB)
using back-up block from https://eosnode.tools/blocks
mongodb-queue-size = 4096
mongodb-api-cache-size = 10240
filter-on = * / trying to make block explorer, so I need filter-on as *
right side is instance running mongodb, with below spec.
n1-highmem-4 (vCPU #4, RAM 26GB, HDD 1TB)
Currently my nodeos+mongodb is syncing 7516120 blocks (about 25% of mainnet). I think after about 500000 blocks, sync speed isn't catching mainnet's block generartion speed(1 sec = 2 blocks).
Is it normal??